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About daniellol1

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  1. I want to uninstall the game and return in like 2 month and see if the game is fixed it's such a good idea/concept but the servers, bugs and hackers are so fucking annoying.
  2. Hey any one else who has had problems with the last patch/update? Iv had huge problems with it i pass out randomly when i log in 2 times i started to bleed randomly graphical glitches all the time am i alone or has any one had similar problems?
  3. daniellol1

    Fuck this shit....

    And i just bleed out from 12k blood no broken bones not hungry not thirsty i had 5 bandages fuck the latest dayz patch :( And i tried using painkillers and epi nothing would work.
  4. daniellol1

    Fuck this shit....

    No it's the same on every server... The last patch has made dayz really buggy for me.
  5. daniellol1

    Fuck this shit....

    I'm bleeding and every time i log in a pass out randomly so your coding just killed me... i'm at almost full health and no actual reason to pass out but i all ways do :(
  6. daniellol1

    I die every day

    Same for me i have survived 1 and a half day now and i have pretty good guns but if you just want to stay alive stay out of cherno and some parts of electro.
  7. daniellol1

    Why do i keep passing out?

    That sucks :/ The latest patch fucked my dayz i have graphical glitched and now i keep passing out.
  8. I'm at 11.3k blood and no problems like broken bones but every time i log in today i pass out?
  9. Silenced mp5 is so quiet and it's pretty easy to find and no one who's like more then 15m away wont hear a thing.
  10. daniellol1


    How am i lucky? I looted it and hacker i think took it like 3 sec later because i started to bleed i was inside in a empty room and like 1 sec later i got disconnected and when i logged back i had no FAL :(
  11. daniellol1


    just lost a FN FAL ANPV S4 to server lagg :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
  12. daniellol1


    VAC has never failed me.
  13. daniellol1


    Hey how's it going with the hacking problem and how close are you to being able just ban them when they try to do some hack? I just encountered my first hacker and he just teleported every one on the server to one off the air strip thingys and is there any way to find out who did it?
  14. daniellol1

    Pending Update: Build

    Aww no unlimited ammo :(
  15. daniellol1


    I don't think i can make it that far. And the chance off me getting away from Electro/Cherno is pretty bad and my m16 probably looks attractive to some camping.