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TillGrave (DayZ)

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About TillGrave (DayZ)

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  1. TillGrave (DayZ)

    Melee Weapon Petition

    Maybe it's is an instinctual thing to want to bash the zeds when i run out of ammo or i just want to take out one standing in my way. Difficult to implement? sure. In addition to the risk of infection- maybe a really short stamina gauge for melee, like 3-4 good solid whacks before it becomes useless. Don't want people hacking their way thru crowds... just my two bits
  2. TillGrave (DayZ)

    Lowering your weapon

    Never really had the desire to use pistols before this mod, now that you reminded me I can access my gear and just not raise my weapon afterwards, thanks dudes!
  3. TillGrave (DayZ)

    Lowering your weapon

    That's so weird, I am an experienced Arma player and I know the double-tap ctrl (it was in the original post) It just doesn't seem to work for me, maybe because I only have a Makarov? I'm going to log in now and try again... Edit: Just saw the post about secondary... Thanks everybody! :D
  4. TillGrave (DayZ)

    Lowering your weapon

    So I noticed that the usual way (in vanilla Arma2) to lower your weapon from the ready stance (double-tap ctrl) doesn't work in this mod. Is there another way to do this? I seem to remember watching a video clip of a survivor doing the silly looking crouch walk with their weapon lowered... Seems like this might help with those tense meetings of strangers.
  5. TillGrave (DayZ)

    anyone tried a controller?

    Agreed, useful for vehicles but that's about it.
  6. TillGrave (DayZ)

    First Day...AMAZING.

    I agree, this is an excellent mod! Thank you to everyone involved! Im happy to help test it! Btw- After about an hour of moving cautiously away from heavily populated areas, I finally came across a lonely farmhouse with a Lee Enfield (unfortunately no ammo) and found a good place to hunker down for the night...sleeping lightly off & on thru the night, off the side of the road in a ditch among the taller bushes as to avoid any potential marauders.
  7. TillGrave (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi everybody. 31 years old. Experienced Arma player (3 or so years - mostly single player doodlings with the editor) and I also have a few years of US Army service under my belt. Hit me up on Steam - same as my username TillGrave
  8. TillGrave (DayZ)

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes, scrap them, I'd prefer to see them replaced by a similar system with different levels. This might be more difficult later on, but for now scrap them to get on with more important things...
  9. TillGrave (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    I would definitely pay USD $49.99 for the game PLUS $9.99 per month to keep playing this.
  10. [quote Then you knee cap him with your rifle and then drive around in your weird little Russian Cadillac to stir up all the zombies before you drive past him, covering him in half a maps worth of undesirables. You...you are an evil human being. I saw another post of yours regarding kneecapping people and following them to take out potential rescuers. That actually prompted me to sign up for these forums so I could let you know how disturbing and calculated I find your style. I hope to come across you in the field some day, and maybe help out a little... BTW, I love your Anton avatar.