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Everything posted by Ewrawr

  1. Ewrawr


    Umm no? The place where you killed me, where all the multiple tents were, was not our actual camp, it was a previous camp that we left in a hurry and the "magical Gear tent city" camp we found and I referred to is not that location either, as previously said ANY tent on ANY camp location will respawn the items inside on a reset, this means that ANY player on the server will have the items back so it's not to our benefit since anyone that discovers them can get the same high value items we had. And honestly you'd have to be pretty stupid if you think we would want everyone in our server to have AS50s and LMGs, we already stated that we are trying to keep the items from respawning. If you would read anything about the bugs, you would see that EVERYONE has the problem with tents restocking themselves.
  2. Ewrawr


    If you were not such an ignorant fuck you would see that when Spoonfed said "The tents are a known issue. I have reported them to the devs, and they are not OUR tents. We found them just like you did. I have driven over them, emptied them, etc. And still they return.The tents are a known issue. I have reported them to the devs, and they are not OUR tents. We found them just like you did. I have driven over them, emptied them, etc. And still they return." He is referring to the tents with all of the nice loot up top NOT the fact that putting a tent down spawned several more tents inside it
  3. Ewrawr


    lol the tents stacking is actually all me, after the 2nd hotfix whenever i placed a tent, about 50 or so would spawn, this was all documented and sent into the bug report system and after the next hotfix it simply stopped. And there are no edited mission files and yeah the truck is gonna spawn until you wreck it you stupid stupid twit
  4. Ewrawr


    Yeah the post talks about new recruits only being allowed low value items, but since we were raided, we called for EVERYONE to come and help move as it was an emergency so yeah the new guy has good items, so fucking what
  5. Ewrawr


    So I am the "guy" that supposedly knew where the stuff was and yes i did and i did just "appear there" cause it was our previous camp so that is where i logged out, we are not hacking or anything of the sort, there is a very large camp at the top of the map near the debug line loaded with high grade weapons that we discovered, we raided it and when we came back the next time it was all back. We have no control over the fact that the stuff respawns at server restarts and we do not exploit it either, that camp has been visited three times by us and yes we have a truck filled with weapons as we keep our camps mobile. This idiot cannot tell the difference between a game glitch and a legitimate hack, plus several times this week we have found, banned and then sent in documented proof of other players joining our server and spawning non-ingame items and helicopters. Also like to add that this guy or one of his buddies took the time to join our ventrilo and set up an account called YOUVEJUSTBEENROBBED just to thank us for the stuff and to taunt us. Just another no-life troll that gets his kicks off with the anger of others, only problem is that we don't really give a shit about anything but the trucks as we raid map wide and recover most of it.