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About IceCreamSandwich

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    Helping those in need.

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    I soon became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
  1. IceCreamSandwich

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    So, Tents and Vehicles save now? They don't get eaten by the server? Is this confirmed?
  2. IceCreamSandwich

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I'm really not liking the Hive tracking deal. Trying to find a day server and get temp banned for ten minutes. I'm just hoping for a better way to combat the ALT+F4ers..
  3. IceCreamSandwich

    Pending Update: Build

    But, it's the 27th. D:
  4. IceCreamSandwich

    The Adrenaline Status - Stop ALT+F4ing

    After looking at what you said, and reviewing my original post, I changed it to 5 seconds. I did not know about the altered hit damage. Thanks for letting me know!
  5. IceCreamSandwich

    The Adrenaline Status - Stop ALT+F4ing

    To an extent. With the shock effect, you could fall off a building/ledge and be in shock. You could also be hit from zombies and be in shock. With Adrenaline, it would activate during combat. If you shoot at a player, and the bullets land a few feet near them in any direction your Adrenaline would kick in. Just as with you, bullets land near your or on you, your Adrenaline would activate. If you proceed to leave the game by ALT+F4ing or you happen to "crash" while Adrenaline is active you receive the warning, then so forth.
  6. IceCreamSandwich

    The Adrenaline Status - Stop ALT+F4ing

    In if the Hive tracks your successful log in attempts within a set period of time, this would punish both those with legit problems, and those without. I have not a clue how the Hive functions, but if the Hive could detect whether you're being shot at (in combat) or not while under the adrenaline status, that would solve if you are having legit problems or not. If your PC happens to crash all 4 times while in combat, with the Adrenaline status active, something could be a little fishy. Again, I really don't know how the Hive functions.
  7. IceCreamSandwich

    The Adrenaline Status - Stop ALT+F4ing

    In my mind, the banning/warning would be needed. There's those few occasions where someone could legitly have their Adrenaline status active, and their PC could crash, Arma2OA could crash, their internet could cut out, their power could glitch, and so forth. There's going to be two types of people, those who legitly have been disconnected/have had a crash, or those who are ALT+F4ing.
  8. IceCreamSandwich

    The Adrenaline Status - Stop ALT+F4ing

    Why thank you, kind sir.
  9. The Adrenaline Status The Adrenaline status would be a safe attempt in my mind to stop ALT+F4ing. The Adrenaline System would be a status effect. The Adrenaline status would be, well a status effect just like as if you broke your legs, or you are in shock from falling/being hit. The Adrenaline status would be activated under a combat situation (A PvP engagement). If you're shot at, or if you shoot someone your Adrenaline kicks in. After 5 seconds of safety (Finishing your PvP engagement/Zed engagement) your Adrenaline would deactivate. Say, you're in a firefight. You fire at someone, if those bullets land anywhere near the enemy player, your Adrenaline status activates as well does theirs. Once the fight is over, bullets have stopped flying, 5 seconds has pasted, your Adrenaline deactivates giving you back the abort function. When the Adrenaline status is under effect, you cannot abort. Aborting is disabled while the Adrenaline status is under affect. Have the Hive track when someone disconnects while the Adrenaline status is on. If you ALT+F4 while the Adrenaline status is undergoing, you get a warning. If you ALT+F4 for a second time while the Adrenaline status is undergoing, you get a temp ban for 12 hours. If you ALT+F4 for a third time, you get temp banned for 48 hours. If you seal your fate with a fourth and final ALT+F4 when your Adrenaline status is on, you will receive a perm ban. I understand this is not at all perfect, and somewhat harsh, but this has to stop. Let me know what you think!
  10. IceCreamSandwich

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I've been following this mod for awhile, and I really enjoy it. I love the survival, I love teaming up with other survivors, and I love scavenging for supplies. The last update has been rather.. "rough", but people have to keep in mind, it's still in Alpha. You can't expect to complain about problems with the game, and then have them fixed imminently. It also bugs me how the community acts towards one another. It's seriously out of control and should be pulled back a little bit. If you don't agree with a fellow player, then keep it to yourself if you can. Just because you think that someone is wrong, you don't need to deem yourself the authority to literally yell at them. I'm hoping for some fixes soon (just like everyone else), especially for the melee weapons, the hit detection is off from time to time. Stay alive my friends.