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Posts posted by zemanbeast@gmail.com

  1. I feel like this might have been me. Did they have a revolver also? or could you tell?

    It was around 7-9 pm last night eastern time and I think the server was US 557

    I feel like this might have been me. Did they have a revolver also? or could you tell?

    I remember getting a pistol but I don't know if it was from the body, I just know the guy was laying down facing the pharmacy.

  2. I feel bad for who ever I killed yesterday. I was in cherno and heard gun shots and was very curious because I had yet to find a weapon. I scouted the apartments and saw a man crawling with a double barrel. I immediately ran down the steps and approached him. I noticed he was reloading and I took my chance, I hacked at him with my hatchet and knocked him out. I continued to chop him up for about a minute as it was my first murder and I didn't know the power of my weapon. I'm sorry comrade, but it felt good.
