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About FriendFace

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  1. FriendFace

    Chem Sticks

    is this a safe alternative to flashlight when looking through buildings?
  2. FriendFace

    graphical glitch, boob and lip?

    Hey i pay good money for tits in my face...wtf!
  3. FriendFace

    Im done...

    why stop there? Roger fix the fkn zig zag Roger fix the fkn clipping hits Roger fix the fkn ui interface Roger fix the fkn drop item disappear bullshit Roger fkin Rocket fix this shit and dont try to do a fuckng mojang development model - that was a game, dayz is not. Even so mojang is the laziest group of fuckbutt pegboy turds ever to make a game right behind 3drealms. you dont want that do you? (Yes I play minecraft and enjoy it thanks to the aforementioned fuckbutt pegboy turds)
  4. Have you tried punching yourself in the nuts? That use to work for me...not so much anymore. Now i punch my dog in the nuts, it usually resolves the rage - he kinda looks at me like WTF? but he knows it ok, he is my best friend and beast of burden. also this isnt a game - its an awesome concept that is trapped within a poorly coded mod. <3 FriendFace
  5. FriendFace

    playing dayz problems

    Its also short for vanilla ice Did you install the mod manually or use the 6^ launcher? I suggest start game from steam as usual then exit, then start operation arrowhead and exit. run six launcher (unless its fuckerd - usually there is a post to that affect...nothing today). Hit update, Hit verify, refresh, sort by ping, join server thats about half full and is running a current version.
  6. FriendFace

    Friendly...are you?

    I am Friend! Are you east coast, west coast or middle farm. I rage quit but usually I feel better after I kick my dog.
  7. FriendFace

    where the duck am i

    You are not suppose to do anything. Lay down and die. Repeat. This is an antiGame which means you are fucked if you try to play it like a real game/simulation. Yeah you probably saw the videos on youtube and thought wow that looks fking awesome. Imma give it a try. Reality Check - you are the newest member of the sweaty balls teabag club if you servive you just might make it to the Elitist circle jerk salad toss comitte. Have my beans, they are fucked. Enjoy.
  8. FriendFace

    [VIDEO] Terrifying newbie survivors

    well that kinda fucks up my point...cheers! =D
  9. FriendFace

    [VIDEO] Terrifying newbie survivors

    If a nice kill equals pissing bullets all over the fucking where against a harmless weaponless target than yes...it was ok
  10. I think you beat Dayz now GTFO and get a job. <3 FriendFace
  11. FriendFace

    No gun for new players

    This is a great community and I adore the people who have put the time in to figure it out...I was one of you at one time. Now i have children and a wife that needs me to sex her sometimes. So my game time is not unlimited. I will pop in from time to check dev but right now I cant waste all my game time as zombie fodder. No doubt this is an awesome idea for a game...and when its done cooking it will make millions. But right now imma go exact some revenge on zombies via black ops or even zombie island idk...maybe ill just go look at porn. word to the dev.
  12. FriendFace

    No gun for new players

    I layed in the grass for 5 hours only moving 1 inch per minute hows that for cautious? then when i get to door I realize its a decoration - they thought of everything! decoration doors just like in real life - I'd like to see them change the name of the game to 'You will die you frail mother fucker'
  13. FriendFace

    No gun for new players

    Yep, got that....it wont stop the sick though....also found an axe but i guess it was just for decoration since i could not pick it up
  14. FriendFace

    No gun for new players

    Not even 1 bullet? how about a rock then? ? a stick? How about a gun that cant kill other players...that is the real issue right? Enough of that cry baby bullshit...what i want to know is how long it takes a player to find a gun and fitting bullets? usually about the time i find a weapon somthing else kills me...