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About zerohamster@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. zerohamster@hotmail.com

    Character reset after lost connection with server.

    What I wonder is, if it only saves progress when you log out, how come people get wiped rather than get put back to their original log in point or last save point per se?
  2. zerohamster@hotmail.com

    Character reset after lost connection with server.

    I can't agree with that more! It would stop admins rebooting servers to avoid dying. This behaviour resulted in me loosing my gear, and spawning in debug plains but my stats were intact. Barely made it back but now without all my gear I'm stuck in a deer stand bleeding out. It would be great if there were some way to prevent this as it is obviously impossible to predict when you will loose connection and it is very frustrating when you have survived so long only to be effectlively killed by a lost connection rather than by a player (which I wouldn't have minded as at least it would have been fair).
  3. zerohamster@hotmail.com

    Character reset after lost connection with server.

    Lost all my gear today, didn''t die either. I was at Stary and engaged in a firefight between 3 other guys (possibly an admin or two) and my friend killed one, I wounded another. A minute after this happened we both lost connection and I the server restarted (admin trying to save his ass). I tried to rejoin and spawned in debug plains whilst my friend got in ok but had one less kill on his stats and we were back to where we were when we last spawned (admin restarted server so that he wouldn't register as dead). I'm pretty pissed because I have lost so much gear and it wasn't as if I even got killed for it which I would be ok with, just poof and it's gone (m4a3 cco, m9sd, 12+stanag sd/normal mags, a grenade, 3x morphine, painkillers, 5x bandages, most survival gear bar compass and gps, 2 flasks and plenty of other food and drink aswel as a coyote pack). Why does this happen and why does our gear not respawn with us??