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Ving (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Ving (DayZ)

  1. Ving (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Meh, wannabe admin kids. Lulz
  2. Ving (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Sorry, I didnt have 2 hours to read 67 pages of bullshit, thanks for the useful reply though, really keeps down on the 'askingh again' and number of posts. Anyone have a link to an answer?
  3. Ving (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Ive been playing for like a month. I'm a careful player. One of the 2 times, i've died to another player, i lost connection while bleeding out after bieng shot. My bro was also in game, and running off the same router, and was in that firefight, died too, and lost connection too. it was actually a somewhat suspicious ambush, and wondered at the time wether hacking was involved, but dunno. Would we both be 'in trouble' from this proposed tracking of disconnect or not? Can it distinguish between alt+f4, and connection loss beyond the end users control? Troubling, if my experience as a careful player is 50/50 on a desynch beyond my control when i've died, and, a possible ban to boot... Just interested if this had been thought about/addressed, and thought i'd bring it up, if it is potentially something to investigate or take care of by the dev team, and, I'd like to know as well upfront. I could see unless the tracker is very intelligent, bieng highly hackable, and turned against the players just doing things the right way, for dickish lulz. Do i need to be concerned Rocket? I'm just trying to be helpful, and i'm a bit curious too.
  4. Yeah, this is 'part' of the answer to keep the game interesting and complex beyond the initial 'learn to avoid zombies phase'. It would give those with a canteen a hatchet and matches something other to do than hunt weapons, vehicle drops, and would add a much need level of complexity. Throw some building and crafting into the game, and your begininning to really go some where. I also like the addition above of degradation based on use. Makes using your tools a thoughtful choice rather than a 'taken for granted' one, including your weapons...
  5. Ving (DayZ)

    Green mountain...

    Ho, ho, ho, Greeeeen Mountain! (Evertime someone says Green mountain in my group, i want to sing the' Welcome to the land of the jolly Green Giant' song) Watch out for Sprout and GG, they dont F around.
  6. So just thinking outloud here, please contribute as you see fit, but lets try to have a discussion here without rediculous remarks. If you dont like the idea, fine. State why, or state an alternate way to handle the idea, lets not have this devolve into anything but a discussion of AI survivors who have a chance to witness murders. So the basic idea: And REMEMBER, this is a 'long-term' suggestion, IE if its not possible with the current engine, I am suggesting that it may be something to look into, later, or as a way to do it presents itself. In other words, responses such as 'its not possible w/ the current engine you newb' are irrelivant, and redundant, so please, if thats what you have to say, just zip it, thats not what this thread is about. On the other hand expand on your opinion if you think it could be done better,or if its somewhow gamebreaking for you. The Idea: AI 'survivors', who, 'may' (mathematical chance based on ai survivors l-o-s/hearing/proximity to a pvp 'event') * may have a chance on impacting some sort of in-game penalty/warning system to other players about possible murderers on the server. This of course will not be a magic 'penalty' upon bandits, but a chance that they may be more recognizable, due to a witness of ones 'all the way until yesterday when the zombies busted out' dispicable and illegal acts, and it bieng noted by whatever vestige of society still remains? Something that adds some sort of realistic reprecussion to gunning people down in cold blood in extremely public places? Some kinds of suggested AI survivors: - A hiker/survivor who is pathed to hike through various woods, may have bioculars. - A survivor standing/lying wounded in proximety of some of the non-usable car wrecks. - A child hiding from the zombies in a house or barn. - A wounded military member thats hiding out/playing possum at a military sight, to avoid the zombies that just ate all his comrades - A forest ranger, with binoculars, pathed through specific wilderness ranges, trying to hold together whats left of the law. - A town's police/fire or milita member, either holed up in a government building (IE firestation etc) - A paranoid survivor in a house looking out a window with binoculars Etc, Suggestions on variations welcome. These Ai survivors, would sometimes have paths and sometimes be in stationary locations, for whatever reason, theyve survived. They wont be everywhere. They also may be there, whether you spot them or not. Upon gunshot within hearing or los, they will be 'alerted'. A mathematical algorythm, much like the zombies, will then determine whether they are 'witnessing' something. These AI can witness the following: Murder, possible murder, and looting a dead person. This information is stored, and displayed to others on the server in several possible ways, (and usually LOCALLY only) - The 'way' it is 'displayed' is obviously open to discussion'. This 'witnessing' will NEVER be all the time, but only when a positive 'roll of the dice' is made by the AI witness in question. and the roll wont be made, until certain range and line-of-sight qualifications are fullfilled first. IN OTHER WORDS - IT WILL BE VERY/RELATIVELY RARE, but will happen often enough, that people might think before they kill someone out in the open, with no worries to the consiquence of maybe being seen, and noted.... My thoughts on specifics of how to thus get the witness info, to the player: A 'actionable' billboard in the same town/'closest town to' the 'witness that shows local witness findings, options may include either names or not, (depending on what the concensus/devs prefer in terms of 'realness') Or could just be a listing like 'At 506 pm 7/18 A man in camo etc murdered player -insert name here- near the -insert location here'. OR Make these AI survivors capable of interaction, and able to tell the player on request, what it has witnessed in the last week or so. Remember, i said the system doesnt necessarily give names, it could just be an indicator of how 'hot' the general area has been recently. ALSO An alternate additon to this idea, is that, if the 'murderer' in question is 'positively I.D.ed' by the AI survivor (a question of range and los perhaps?) then that person gains some sort of a progressive model 'skin' change, - such as a hat that players cant get, a bandana, something like the bandit skin, AND that exact addition to his skin, IS LISTED on that same billboard local to where the murder or loot happened, as a description of said murderer/looter, IF it is witnessed. No witness? no skin addition. Its like no-one knew it happened. Also, a nice touch,might be to have a complete 'world' list of these happenings being on the 'actionable/viewable billboard's in the largest towns, or, the AI witnessses in the larger towns (That you can now interact with) can have the 'world list' -representing, that news travels fast to the larger towns. Like I said, just thinking outloud, please discuss whether you like the idea, have a better one in the same realm, or think this wont work or doesnt fit. I only ask that if you dont like the idea, please list an objective game reason why, rather than flames or insults. I'm not sure it would work, or that I even like it myself, I'm just throwing out an idea to the devs that crossed my mind... Discuss in an adult manner if your capable...
  7. Yes, thats the way I see it. And maybe NPC's arent the answer, I think tools as you put it for the players to do it themselves, is a much better idea. I'm not looking for a way to punish 'bandits'. BTW - 'Bandits' are no longer a 'class' in this game, there are no mechanics, and the use of that terminology to justify a style of gameplay as a forgone conclusion, or intent of the developer, is just, an opinion. The heartbeat indicator is simply killers nerves indicator, it is not a 'class'. I'm interested in finding a way to make the game feel like there is more too it, than: Step one: learn to avoid zombies. Step two: play COD deathmatch. My contention is that when your only options are looting weapons, and vehicles, and your only challenge left, is killing players, the game SUBLIMINALLY encourages, a simpletons, serial killer, endgame. thats all there is? I think this game deserves MORE than those two steps. It has alot of potential. The first part of the game, involves alot of learning, and interesting decisions. Once you get past the learning curve though, COD deathmatch, because there's nothing else to do/challenge you? really? Well, what if you had to THINK about that murder, and when and where you did it? THAT was my point - adding complexity to the end game model. I'm not talking about 'punishing anyone'. If you read my original post closely, you might even notice, that I even left room for 'wrong info' provided by npc's, based on what they saw.... But as the guy above said, yeah, i'm fine with eliminating the npc idea, but I still say this game needs more complexity, past the 'zombie learning curve'...
  8. Well, interesting to see the response. I find those with the angry tone, a little telling. I'm not saying that my original post idea is great, it needs work, may not even be viable. I guess though what I'm trying to address is, something lacking in this game, once you get passed learning how to survive, which, devolves into pretty much pvp ONLY, because there is really not much else to do, and with your only tools being essentially WEAPONS, your kinda encouraged into a serial player killer mentality. I would like to see: More skins - visual uniqueness and variation is really subpar in this game basically non-exsistant - PVP is rediculous when everyone looks like a clone of the guys youve been running next to for weeks. More tools - Sandbox? What sandbox? You call it a sandbox because it doesnt have quests, or npc's? Bullshit. You cant build anything, you cant craft anything, your only focus past surviving is looting weapons and occasional vehicles, and killing players, because its frankly the only challenge left. Sandbox? lol (Yes I know they are looking at tools - you dont need to inform me of the post about underground stuff etc) Maybe more vehicles? Seems everyone loves their vehicle adventures, no reason not to have more, and it would seem a bit more realistic I think... I dunno, I just think this game needs something more than it becoming COD, once youve learned how to avoid the zombies. In COD, there was a world war going on. In Dayz, its an epidemic, affecting a society that otherwise until that point, was murdering each other with military grade automatic weapons, for kicks, and a rather abbreviated loot list. See the problem there? Am I wrong? Gota better idea? I'm not trying to ram any idea down anyones throat, as some people here seem to think, - I'm just thinking outloud, and wanting to discuss, improve the game, and even change my mind based on objective criticism, But this game really DOES to me, seem to lack something, once the 'newness' of bieng scared shitless of surviving, wears off a little. I can do the COD thing, sure, but, it just seems like there could be so much more - simular in flavor to the 'woah!' factor you get at the beginning of the game. Once your past that right now, it feels somewhat much more typical, and unrealized. So, ideas?
  9. If your going to attempt to troll, Atleast make it funny or relevant to something, otherwise, heh. Dude, really? lol.keep going its amusing.
  10. Ving (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    An honest communication from the devs as to when we're likely getting a patch, to 2.0 which is 'needing help' compared to the version it replaced, would just be super duper peachy, (and the proper PR 'we're the good guys' response that will pay off in the long run in sentiment.) I know i know - its a test, blah blah, 2.0 has been up for several days, it wasnt that different, but it was buggy, and most of us have seen enough, seen what there is to be seen bugwise etc. Any eta on that there patch? or even a confirmation that your acknowledging the communities feed back on the current state? Would be what people expect of the white hat guy, Throw us a bone? :)
  11. how bout encumberance? Maybe tone the ammo down a bit, but add encumberance... you wanna carry all that gear and ammo if you eventually find it? Ok your slow now. Get to it snail boy. Good luck outrunning zeds with that 80 lbs backpack....
  12. Lulz, i've added to it several times, and I've also said if you have an idea, that is better and accomplishes the same, lets hear it! I also dont think its genius, in fact, I'm looking for a better answer to be honest. Got one?
  13. Consiquence to unrealistic lulzmurders in very public places. Makes serial player killers think alittle bit about their surroundings before just killing every player they run into, - Thus HOPEFULLY changing the game culture slightly, so that there is room for something other than shoot first and ask questions later ONLY. If you like the jist of that last sentence, but think this is not the way to do it, -add your own idea. :) I think my original idea may be stretching it - BUT, i'm trying to get a discussion going here, how do we make the game have yet another little twist, a consiquence while not making it dumb? Surely this has crossed someone elses mind? Surely there is room for factors that might not lead to every player encounter most likely bieng a deathmatch?
  14. Yeah, i hope I didnt come across as too dickesh either man, and I appreciate you staying in here for the conversation. I think in a simular fashion, and honestly, your imput is just making me think more. I figure if we get a few good brains in here thinking, maybe someone comes up w/ something that expands in a small way on what is already a great base for a game. Although, 1.5 is more stable and playable, and looks more like a real game, than 2.0 or 2.1 for me. The ammo to zombie ratio, or alternately, crawling on your belly for 100's of thousands of yards each session to avoid a badly buffed los meter on the zombies, and the crappy loot, make 2.0 and 2.1 patches to be washed away as quickly as possible, if the Dev team wants to keep people interested and playing. So I'm suggesting other things for them to do, rather than mess with the zombies before they get the new animations and pathing in - it just seems impatient and silly to have even patched 2.0 Yeah its an alpha. If no one wants to play, its an alpha that no-one wants to play.....Remember devs, your getting quite abit out of this community, it wouldnt be the same if they lost interest.
  15. I already play with friends. Alot of friends. And I see those same friends devolving into serial killers as well, and everyone else on, because, it is simply the best choice game-wise. Not because we would do the same in a RL apocalypse. Its a limitation of tools, and a lack of consiquences. So, stop assuming I'm a newb, I'm up in the hills with rare weapons, and I often have 6-10 clan mates on the same server. I dont need your survival advice. So from your sentence related to the topic, I take it that you prefer it as sandbox as possible, even at the expense of balance for a little sense of realism immersion? Thats fine, we all enjoy games differently. I'd like something more than another 'murder the other guy! now with badly animated zombie AI! personally. If the AI thing turns you off, then give me paper and a pen for those wanted posters, or give me another idea? Lets discuss, instead of being beligerant towards one another, thats so 1997.... lol
  16. I think you missed the part, where I said it didnt involve the guys picture, and possibly even his name. All it would do, IF it got a witness flag, is say 'a guy in a brown cowboy hat killed so&so here at 508 pm 7/12 be on your guard fellow humans.' and then you, as the killer would also now be wearing a brown cowboy hat. period. (rather than noting a facial/body feature - since Arma doesnt have this - use a piece of clothing as a substitution) So now are you going to tell me i cant spell 'brown cowboy hat' post apocalypse or somethin? :) BTW, you'd make your argument better if you replaced the exageration with just straight comparison, and the term stupid/rediculous, with a less absolutest, more descriptive, and less insulting choice of words. Like unrealistic, over complex, those would work quite nicely. It would make the point better, and make you come across as if where having a discussion, rather than you bieng slightly insulting. It implies that you dont have an arguement, and are crutching. But you have an argument. Why not just make it. Also, i'm not butthurt about dying to players either, My current has been alive for a while now, days not hours, and I think i've been player killed once, i dont even remember honestly. I just dont think the atmosphere of 'kill or be killed' by the players between themselves and other players, by EVERYONE is realistic, and i think its because there arnt mechanics in game simular to RL that would prevent that anywhere and everywhere by everybody, as we are seeing right now. Just an opinion.
  17. Well see, your supporting your argument with kinda exageration rather than objectivity. You dont need microsoft for wanted posters, all you need is a crayon and paper and something to use as a nail. They had wanted posters before Microsoft bud. I think the argument would be more - is there anyone else left enough to be able to even do the writing on a piece of paper thing. So as I said thinking outloud.... How about we discuss letting players make their 'own wanted posters'? Are you going to tell me i need a printer for that? Also, dont assume I'm writing this, because it reflects my own characters wants or my teams wants. My group is as ruthless as the next unless we're not threatened - theres no logical reason not to be this way as the current game mechanics are. I really dont think THAT is particularly realistic, and am just thinking outloud about ways to make the atmosphere a little more 'survival' and a little less 'pvp deathmatch under all circumstances.' Perhaps your right about the initial idea. So spin off of it. Or perhaps you dont care too, because you enjoy the rather unrealistic, 'Manhunt +Zombies' we are playing right now? Thats fine, not everyone wants it to change. I personally think more tools need to be given to the players to be able to peacefully engage one another, and i think this devolution immediately after an apocalypse to full time serial killing is unrealistic, and a result of not having fear of death, as you can just respawn and get going pretty fast if you know what your doing. I also think there should be some way to EVENTUALLY identify people, if they are constantly ganking people, and theyve been witnessed either by AI or players, but the current skins/clothing, dont really let you do that. So... whataya got for me? Come on, you know its a little silly right now, what mechanic can you suggest to make this 'situation' a little more realistic? Or is that just it? You really dont care for survival other than last man standing Doom style? Sad if this game stays at that boring, everyother game lets shoot the other guy in the head in every situation 'level'. This game has much more potential than that, with a few player tools.
  18. Well, i dont know why you call this a punishment. I even suggested no names involved. What it would do I think, is simulate that there would be SOME humanity left in the word, you know, people that dont turn into mindless animals, once the first excuse to act like a douche arrives, and SOME if not most reasonable humans, wanting to focus on stopping the zombies and returning to normalcy, rather than becoming a serial killer the second an excuse to do so arrives. Somewhat like a wanted poster thing. Dont you Bandits wanna be Jesse James? Dont you think everyone in the world in a zombie apocalypse would be more concerned with killing the zombies and returning to a 'good life' rather than devolving into heartless animals with no consiquence? AND the attempt of tracking and noting serial killers and heartless murderers - by those that would prefer a return to the days before the infected outbreak would be... likely? My suggestion or penalty as you term it, is very lite, and also, simulating some sort of reprecussion to instant serial lulz murders, that is very 'unlikely' in a REAL apocolypse, and wouldnt be without consiquence, if within easy view, of those that want to stop the madness/return to their pre-zombie lives (presumably the majority, unless you think this is 'Manhunt' with zombies - 'rollseyes'). And as I said, its just an idea. But its not hate towards bandits. Its just me trying to add another aspect to the game that also simulates SOME 'possible' more realistic reprecussion to murdering people in public. (remember, I said they wouldnt be all over the place, but it would make you think twice, and the chance of running into a ranger or a hiker in the woods would be like 1/250 or worse, so it would make killers atleast be more discreet and thoughtful, if they didnt want consiquences to eventually catch up to them, and those consiquences, as I listed would be having to wear a hat, and 'possibly being mentioned on a wanted poster, - not exactly a huge hurdle for anyone really, just a change, and maybe a 'hey I saw you on a wanted poster - blam blam blam -sorta thing....)