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About Legenscary

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    On the Coast
  1. Same thing happened to me. Teleported to the sky and fell to my death. I'm really wondering what's preventing a player or group of player from jumping server to server and wiping out as many people as they can.
  2. For the people that are saying that the game of cat and mouse is unavoidable, respectfully, you're burying your head in the sand. I've seen a lot of hacks for a lot of multi-player games, but I've never seen players able to take control of a game like they can with the Arma 2 engine. And before you say it, yes, I remember the platitude that the game was a military simulator, and not meant to be a mass market online game, but you absolutely cannot have a game with perma death, and the ability for a player to go to google and find a hack that can teleport an entire server into the sky, making them fall to their deaths. I've put around 50 hours into this game so far, and in that time I've been killed legitimately only three times. I've died three times to invincible players, once to a player that teleported to each individual player and shot us in the back, and yesterday we were fighting a group in cherno that, after dying and having their items looted, pulled said items out of our inventories, and spawned the whole server into the sky and let us fall. Objectively this game has not only the worst anti-cheat system I've ever seen, but it's also using the least secure engine out there, and the only thing that lets loyalists stick up for the current system is that we haven't had hackers start doing server hops, not to find items, but to wipe entire servers of every single player enjoying the game. And honestly, I hope they start doing that, at the very least to show the devs that they need to secure their game, and to show the blind loyalists how empty the platitudes become when their month old character gets spawned into the sky.
  3. Legenscary

    Getting kicked from every server/ my game is up to date.

    Same issue here.
  4. I'm loving this game so far, and a single incident like this isn't going to make me quit, but I think this is something they really need to fix before it becomes a huge problem.
  5. That's a little bit insensitive. I have no problem losing my gear to someone who kills me legitimately, but if someone has figured out a glitch that lets him slay everyone in a server (not saying that this for sure happend here) why would you even play this game?
  6. That's really unfortunate if it's true. I'd rather have a sniper shoot me than have something like this happen. Is this a bug in the game or just a poorly chosen admin password?
  7. I'm pretty new at the game, so forgive me if I'm getting this wrong, but it seemed like everyone in the server I was playing in started dying all at once. I was streaming on twitch tv at the time, and was able to record what append. Is this a cheat? Or did someone shoot me while I had my back turned to the window? Here is the link: http://www.twitch.tv...ary/b/324693359 It happens around 32:07. There's a bit of swearing in the video... I was really frustrated.