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Everything posted by shizno897

  1. I downloaded Arma II: Combined Operations a couple days ago to play DayZ, so I downloaded that and installed it fine, but whenever I go to Six Launcher and join a server, I get to a screen with tanks and stuff on it and get past it fine, then get to the Wait for host screen and I'll be stuck on there forever. I know that the latest patch has had trouble with people getting online, but I was wondering if this is what people were talking about or something different, and if I could get help on how to get by it.
  2. shizno897

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I'm still stuck on the wait for host screen.
  3. shizno897

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    The ping for any of the servers are awful. The lowest I can find is 140. I can usually find servers at 40-60. Edit: Nevermind. It's back to normal.
  4. shizno897

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Ok it worked now. Thanks.
  5. shizno897

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I can't download the second link. It goes to a "page not found" error.