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About iDeeJayTre

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  1. iDeeJayTre

    Shoot On Sight Recruiting

    Looking for more
  2. iDeeJayTre

    Shoot On Sight Recruiting

    Still Looking For More Accepted 17 Out Of 69 Still Havent Gone Through Most Of Them. Add x61rezod to make this quicker thanks :)
  3. iDeeJayTre

    Shoot On Sight Recruiting

    Back online looking for people, Accepted 11 out of 28 applicants
  4. i run this on my laptop on normal. point proven :)
  5. i enjoy this find, good luck happy hunting
  6. iDeeJayTre

    Shoot On Sight Recruiting

    Going to stop interviewing for awhile, Add our other Captain Thanks :)
  7. iDeeJayTre

    Clan 101 Recruiting

    One Inbox to talk to you in private like mature people, And MLG Rank reset :) check GB Rank, and last time I played. :) Im pretty sure you copied that lovely little paragraph from SVK Page. So dont bite on me. mmmaky Bye -Love iDeeJayTre-
  8. iDeeJayTre

    Shoot On Sight Recruiting

    Still Looking.
  9. iDeeJayTre

    Clan 101 Recruiting

    Here is my MLG Account Info, Please Follow My Thread And Teams To See My Track Record In Clans And Tournament Experince Im A Very Successful Leader. Thanks Come Again. http://gamebattles.majorleaguegaming.com/profile/megaman20222/
  10. iDeeJayTre

    Shoot On Sight Recruiting

    noooooooooo Haha I thought about that, cause that would be funny in the thread, but its my first time recruiting on here, i didnt wanna do that, maybe later down the line :) you can help <33
  11. iDeeJayTre

    Shoot On Sight Recruiting

    Skype has a video chat, but its mainly used to voice calls not video. Sorry that would be weird if i only did video chats.
  12. iDeeJayTre

    Shoot On Sight Recruiting

    This is not a clan that is going to hunt for you or with you for revenge. Please loot else where thanks
  13. iDeeJayTre

    Shoot On Sight Recruiting

    I didnt get a message. Try Again
  14. couldnt agree more :)
  15. iDeeJayTre

    Shoot On Sight Recruiting

    Back Online, Please Message Me Either Skype Or Steam Thanks