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About karg

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. karg

    SE 46 server thread

    Got to love the hackers, they are true artists.
  2. karg

    SE 46 server thread

    Good job in ambush, killing sitting ducks during hacker attack... still i was sick of the hackers and were not sure I manage to kick em all, so made a lockdown for the night.
  3. Make sure you patched Arma II: OA to 1.60 and then 1.62 (if using steam this is automatic) Download from: http://www.arma2.com/index.php?Itemid=20&option=com_rokdownloads&view=folder (Beta patches are in it's own 'beta' folder and will not be disturbed by update). Also make sure you are using hive component 0.73 and dayz (or hive 0.72 with You could also look at the server_console.log to see if it's saying anything about you beeing disconnected when you are hung in load state.
  4. karg

    SE 46 server thread

    That is your choice, everyone is free to choose server and it's sad this game engine is so easily hacked, saying that you will most likely encounter the same problems on any other server you join. There are still plenty of players who like this server and I intend to try and keep it that way with the little control I have.
  5. karg

    SE 46 server thread

    Server lockdown, hacker attack.
  6. karg

    SE 46 server thread

    As far as I can tell all vehicles except one I know of save the position but not the content. Could be that there are a few more vehicles not saving positions. Server restarted, BEC was disabled and thus no scheduled restarts active. For the private Hive part, nothing I'm interested of at the moment (but it have crossed my mind on more that one occasion)
  7. karg

    SE 46 server thread

    Hacker found with the help of Zitrop, thanks for helping.
  8. karg

    SE 46 server thread

    I'm sad to hear this and I appreciate you reporting it, as far as me as admin and friends we have not played since last night. I'm sending you a private message that I hope you'll reply to to give me some more info on this hacking so I can start looking into it.
  9. karg

    SE 46 server thread

    Thanks for reporting, I'd like to recieve reports like this in a private message where time, location and player name should be included if possible. There is one more thing that could be done ingame at the moment the players disconnects and that is to bring up the chat and write something that you also report in the private message, this helps to track the time in the logs. I'd suggest saying 'player ALT+F4'd' or something other similar incriminating, like 'bailer at 65 122' (Chernogorsk I think these coords are at).
  10. karg

    Hacker caught

    By global ban I mean globally banned by the DayZ team in the ban.txt they supply.
  11. karg

    SE 46 server thread

    I have posted this hacker report: Hacker caught If he's not globally banned from my logs then what little faith I have in this system with reporting hackers is lost, hope it's taken seriously and handled swifty. Yeah I heard from a buddy that's been looking into that bandit skin thing it's affecting non-bandits as well, and you can loose your gear and respawn and die and all kind of strange things, I'm guessing you are hit by that bug. I'll ask him if he could supply the links to what he found. But I think it should be on the dayz forums. As far as the hotfix is concerned I'm really dissapointed since all the issues that's been reported is now on our server as well, this was what made me wait with upgrading for so long and only because the server was almost empty I decided to upgrade, we want players on the server. Also I cannot imagine why they release a hotfix and do not list all the changes, this was not just a hotfix, a hotfix only adresses issues that need to be fixed fast, and should never ever ever never ever ever never introduce new features. If they do it's not a hotfix, it's an update. hotfix = adresses issues that needs an immediate bugfix update = bugfixes and new features So now the "hotfix" has been out for about 19 days and has not been fixed when it's apparent to atleast me the bugs introduced are worse than what they "fixed".
  12. karg

    Global BAN needed

    Also, wrong forum, should have been posted to http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/32-cheat-reporting/ I believe.
  13. karg

    SE 46 server thread

    Thanks for reporting, but since the it's actually very difficult to catch these guys, they stopped writing a lot of useful info to the RPT log. The heli-crasher was some guy who found the heli and took it for a spin :) We had hackers on the server tonight, I actually reported one just now, don't know if a hacker hit you or a bug that hit players with the ghillie or something similar, heard of a bug that screws things up if you went bandit and wears a ghille, but I'm kinda clueless. Sorry to hear you lost your stuff. About fix for this issue with the saving, we will just have to wait for them to fix it, I have no clue as to when but I'm guessing soon.
  14. * Server this happened on. DayZ - SE 46 (v1.7.2.5/Beta 96061) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][uTC-1][MAXPING:100] dayzmod.com - hosted by TeamplaySucks * Time that it happened including your timezone. 20:37-20:57 UTC-1 (DST:yes) * What happened during the incident. Saw a guy getting kicked for remoteexec violation, and apparently he reconnected instantly. After this he started to teleport himself to hunt the heli we were flying, at first we just thought he might be a lucky guy in a lucky position, but when he showed up around the shopper time after time firing at us we set up a trap, next time he showed up I kicked the suspect, he instantly disappeared from the game. I cleaned up the logs I'm supplying here, but when someone actually looks into this I'll supply the arma2oaserver.RPT log as well, just contact me. My evidence should get this guy globally banned. The suspect is also in the logs of another server hacker report thread: http://dayzmod.com/f...ens-names-logs/ server_console.log 20:37:09 I z Noob z I uses modified data file 20:37:09 Player I z Noob z I connecting. 20:37:11 Player I z Noob z I connected (id=22532742). 20:37:11 BattlEye Server: Player #18 I z Noob z I (<IP>) connected 20:37:11 BattlEye Server: Player #18 I z Noob z I - GUID: <GUID> (unverified) 20:37:11 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (<GUID>) of player #18 I z Noob z I 20:40:35 Player I z Noob z I kicked off by BattlEye: RemoteExec Restriction #6 20:40:35 Player I z Noob z I disconnected. 20:40:43 I z Noob z I uses modified data file 20:40:43 Player I z Noob z I connecting. 20:40:44 Player I z Noob z I connected (id=22532742). 20:40:44 BattlEye Server: Player #6 I z Noob z I (<IP>) connected 20:40:45 BattlEye Server: Player #6 I z Noob z I - GUID: <GUID> (unverified) 20:40:45 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (<GUID>) of player #6 I z Noob z I 20:56:42 Player I z Noob z I kicked off by BattlEye: Admin Kick 20:56:42 Player I z Noob z I disconnected. create_vehicle.log 28.08.2012 20:39:12: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "USVehicleBox" 128:20 [7530,2990,3] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:81 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:82 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:83 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:84 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:85 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:86 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:87 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:88 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:89 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:90 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:91 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:92 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:93 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:94 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:95 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:96 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:97 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:98 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:99 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:100 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:101 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:102 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:103 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:104 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:105 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:106 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:107 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:108 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:109 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:24: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 128:110 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:39:38: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 128:113 [0,1,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:40: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "USVehicleBox" 130:14 [1068,1875,4] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:75 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:76 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:77 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:78 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:79 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:80 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:81 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:82 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:83 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:84 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:85 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:86 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:87 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:88 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:89 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:90 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:91 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:92 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:93 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:94 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:95 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:96 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:97 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:98 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:99 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:100 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:101 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:102 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:103 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:52: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 130:104 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:42:53: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 130:109 [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:45:35: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "PipeBomb" 130:112 130:109 [1066,1876,3] [0,0,0] 28.08.2012 20:46:08: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "PipeBomb" 130:115 130:109 [65,12929,404] [0,0,0] remoteexec.log 28.08.2012 20:40:35: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #0 "{ if((name _x) == 'Continued') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;" 28.08.2012 20:40:35: I z Noob z I (<IP>) <GUID> - #6 "{ if((name _x) == 'Continued') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;" [EDIT] Removing GUID so I won't be reported by the "DayZ self-proclaimed Police" and hoping I'll be contacted soon by someone from the DayZ team to ban this sucker.
  15. I'd like to confirm GUID <snip> as a hacker, he just hacked our server, gathering evidence. http://dayzmod.com/f...-hacker-caught/ [EDIT] Apparently GUID's are not to be talked about...