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Everything posted by chazg1234

  1. chazg1234

    dayz for mac?

    i really want dayz i have a laptop but it cannot run arma 2 but i have an imac 2011 and it would run it perfectley however arma is windows only is their anyway round this atall? i really want to play dayz thanks very much charlie
  2. chazg1234

    dayz for mac?

    so if i bought the parrells software and installed bootcamp it would work i dont need aany windows keys or any other costs? does it evver crash using the mac also thanks very much charlie
  3. chazg1234

    dayz for mac?

    i would buy it but is that all you need and will it gurantee to work
  4. chazg1234

    will it run on my pc?

    hi there i really want to play dayz and i want to buy it i would appreciate it if you could help me to see if it can run here are my specs Intel celeron t3500 3gb ram 250gb hard drive intel gma 4500m and intel intergrated graphics card thanks very much guys and one last thing can this run on mac cheers
  5. chazg1234

    will it run on my pc?

    what are settings which are lw fr the game
  6. chazg1234

    will it run on my pc?

    does dayz lag atall i really want to play this it looks excellent
  7. chazg1234

    will it run on my pc?

    hi there thanks very much for the reply what sysem requirments do you think are still good but dont really lag i reall want the game