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Everything posted by maxxenbraxxen

  1. maxxenbraxxen

    DayZ Wiki iOS App

    give it pretty much everything this epic map has to offer http://dayzmap.info/ plus some really nice articles
  2. maxxenbraxxen

    Do NOT play on US 1226 (or any CorE server)

    sage in all fields if i may spread the cancer to this forum you got killed by a hacker not an admin get yo shit togheter
  3. maxxenbraxxen


    7/10 enjoyed reading not too long
  4. maxxenbraxxen

    Check out the stream its full of excitement and laughs

    When are you going to start playing ?!?!!?!?!! I'm waiting i don't care if its hot or anything play already
  5. maxxenbraxxen

    Check out the stream its full of excitement and laughs

    stuck in the us and unable to play day z so i might aswll watch ur steam better not suck tho
  6. maxxenbraxxen

    Ban some bandits.

    "Hewwo, faggot powice ? Op wose gen"
  7. maxxenbraxxen

    Average Life Expectancy

    My friend claims that it was >4 hrs when he got it but i call BS
  8. maxxenbraxxen


    If i understood this shit right, the girl skins can't use ghillie nor camp clothing ?
  9. maxxenbraxxen

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    Quite a bit of stories about unarmed players going to armed ones that don't shoot them, open their packs and grab a gun, then shoot them. I would at least keep them at arms length
  10. maxxenbraxxen

    Green mountain?

    He is obv bullshitting No one makes it out of green mountain alive
  11. maxxenbraxxen

    The Latest Patch

    so are u talking bout .4 or .5 ?
  12. no we just discussing superior game mechanics
  13. Would be a bit overkill/unecessary/boring/remove speed (even if this game aims for the realistic thing)
  14. I like it Also, disable zombie spawns at gas points so that players can barricade them and build bases (trading posts ? Player made society ? camping/clan bases ? Hackers ?) with razor wire and tank traps. This will of course cause a shitload of problems but why not give it a try ?
  15. maxxenbraxxen


    this also this thread is pretty unnecessary
  16. maxxenbraxxen

    combat logging, reverse style

    That is probably the worst aim I've ever heard about. And Ive seen some very shitty aiming skills (my css for example)
  17. maxxenbraxxen

    I've jet to find a playermade camp

    Can someone confirm this ?
  18. *Cocks his shotgun* Come here for a second, OP
  19. Reinstall server software/delete everything ? Im not sure how this Day Z server stuff work, but assuming its similar to source, and since all servers are vanilla, just wipe it and redo, wouldn't take more than an hour i think
  20. maxxenbraxxen


  21. Would it be possible to get a few extra sub forums, for example, one for whiners (omg h4xx0rz keelt meet/bandetz ruin gaem fo meh) and one for people wanting to trade things, as there are quite a lot of those threads these days. The only problem is that this would decrease the number of threads in this sub forum by 95%, as this is what people are talking about.
  22. fuck you all i was told to insult people
  23. maxxenbraxxen

    Additional sub forums ? (whiners, traders ?)

    Shit im retarded...
  24. maxxenbraxxen

    Green mountain...

    unbeleiver burn burn with fire