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About xytaglyph

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Bio
    I am a young man who enjoys playing lots of videogames especially strategies, realistic fps's (fuck you CoD), and DotA style games (execpt HoN because it sucks).
  1. xytaglyph

    Another "I quit because..."

    alright i respect you but please next time, make a positive contibution to the thread along with your slightly trolly post :P
  2. xytaglyph

    Another "I quit because..."

    Its people like you that degrade the community I'm sure your exactly like one of the people this man is talking about, if you don't have something constructive to say don't say anything at all.
  3. xytaglyph

    I give in

    maybe we should send spam to battleye because they suck?
  4. xytaglyph

    Met a hacker... and I pity him

    so funny how battleye bans people who have done nothing but cant catch the real hackers, I lol about hackers EVERY FUKCING DAY
  5. xytaglyph

    Another "I quit because..."

    I understand your frustration yet I feel like such things can be dealt with in a reasonable manner. Change your tactics, find another way in, go to a different less populated server, scope out snipers before you go in and kill them, and most importantly think of some things to counter such acts on your own because no matter what you do people like this will be there and they will piss you off, its gonna happen you just have to learn to cope and combat it.
  6. xytaglyph

    Hacker on US 1796

    jesus christ im tired, read that as 17% good luck to you man and please someone fix this
  7. xytaglyph


    Tents disappear some days after you have died -day z wiki Is this true? can someone please comfirm or deny this because i have a tent that i place with items in it then i died so i need to know if i need to make another tent... thanks
  8. would like this to be translated to common
  9. xytaglyph Still Artifacting

    the problem seems to be caused by the static bodies of the dead soldiers so in places like balota airfield, NW Airfield, stary sobor, and chernogorsk where there are dead soldier bodies
  10. yeah, this is the best way to help people out. OR get them baited and shot :P
  11. can you explain what you did because im having the same problem
  12. got the same problem, would really like some help on this. Ive looked all over online but never found a solution, only way for me to install beta is through six updater which is often about a patch or two behind...
  13. I really dont think that this is the case I've been playing this since about 1.3 and never had a problem like this. normally if you sat at loading for about 15 minutes then you could get in to the server where as I have been loading for about 1 hour and 34 minutes now and nothing has changed. It looks like a problem that is much deeper than simply server lag or over-population.
  14. xytaglyph

    Yes, im stuck on "Loading" screen

    same here, a ton of threads on this now, still no devs replying
  15. bump, same deal for me