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Everything posted by Hoozio

  1. Hoozio

    Respawn button

    Why not put a limit on the respawn button usage - Once per hour or once per hours perhaps?
  2. As somebody who has looked into buying a server to host a community driven DayZ server the only thing which has made me think twice is the ridiculous amount of hackers there are, and how they can, in essence, fuck up your entire server. Is anybody else at the same point as me, I feel this is a massive issue that needs dealing with, I am aware it is BattleEye, but surely even they, with some pressure from Rocket of course can come up with something better than what they have now.
  3. So I'll start this post by saying I have been friendly for a long time, had the mindset of being friendly as I often like the good guy approach to games. I have had a few deaths due to PvP which are fair enough, not everybody is going to be friendly.. This time however was different. I was in Cherno after a fresh respawn, had found a few bits, Alice Pack / AK, M1911 + Ammo etc with a few tools. I ran into the Supermarket to stock up on food/drink and see a guy in the doorway between shop/back room. He is being hounded by Zombies with the one's he is shooting from the back entrance, I see a couple coming very close to him from the shop area. I take aim, and pew-pew. Both zombies attacking him from behind are downed, I shout "Friendly, I'm not going to shoot you". He looks around, see's the dead zombies, I strafe left to right without firing reiterating that I am a friendly, he reloads, I should have seen what was coming, he unloads the entire clip in my direction after 10 seconds of me strafing and not shooting. My strafing saving me for a while, but I still get hit. He reloads again and backs in to the back area of the shop, I run towards him AK in hand and unload into his body/face. I don't think I can ever be friendly if this is the reaction even when I could have shot him before he saw me, saved him from zombies and shouted friendly. Dog eat dog...
  4. Hoozio

    Pending Update: Build

    No, the Update is "Pending" :)
  5. Hoozio

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket - Is there any chance of putting a limit on the Respawn button usage? Like, can only be used once every 1 or 2 hours? This would still help both in reducing server load from people respawning constantly to get a favoured spawn point and would also give people a way out when they glitch into houses/traps etc. Just a thought :)
  6. I'm sure many of you have read that people are stuck / glitched somewhere and have no possibility to re-spawn, some may have even experienced this themselves. I do understand the reason for the button being disabled completely, even if I disagree with them at this moment in time (Game still being in Alpha). How about if you limit the use of the button to once per hour to compensate genuine cases of "ohshitimstuck!". This will reduce the server load still as players can't respawn 10 times to get a spawn they like and will still serve a useful purpose in this unfinished game.
  7. Hoozio

    Respawn Button - Limited Use

    I see no better alternate option being mentioned currently. This does what Rocket wants in limiting server load from constant respawners, and also provides a better play experience for all those involved.
  8. Hoozio

    Zombies way too hard now

    Let's be honest, there is no "realism" in a zombie being able to break your leg by "Bumping" into you, this means there is no argument for "it adds realism to the mod". I don't mind that pistols don't kill in one hit unless hit in the head, that is a fair change, even though not one made by Rocket himself, I still feel the percentage chance of a leg break is way too high.
  9. Hoozio

    Rules of Day Z............

    Rule 8: Play how you enjoy playing, not how somebody else think's you should play.
  10. Hoozio

    Yep i am done, i quit

    It's sad that you are leaving and sad that you needed to announce it. Firstly, I can completely understand and relate to why you want to quit, the game has many bugs and issues, however you did not buy DayZ. The mod/game is in Alpha, and whatever you think that means, the true meaning is the game is in a "Testing" phase, we are the willing testers. It is our opinions and participation that will inevitably mould this game into what it will hopefully become, a great great game. The fact you needed to announce you were quitting will duly be met by people saying "Bye" etc, and that is very much fair, if not lacking much of a "community friendliness" to the Forums, then again, your post didn't deserve much more in fairness. There is a 95% Chance that you won't continue reading your thread as you may well actually be done with the game, if that is the case I hope you come back and feel it a better experience once more patches have been applied. I'm 100% sure the game will change dramatically each time a major patch is released and certain people will love it, others hate it. That's the fun of it, and the reason why I would never leave this game before a final product is unveiled, and then I'm pretty sure I'll still be playing way too much!
  11. Hoozio

    Pending Update: Build

    The problem you appear to have as far as I can see is you feel people can "only" play the game one way. This will both limit players (Potential sales of a standalone game) and alienate people who aren't as hardcore as you (Smaller/less servers), can you not see this?
  12. Hoozio

    Pending Update: Build

    It is a game to many of us. If you treat it as something else then that's absolutely fine. I don't look upon a game as a time-sink, I look upon it as "I'm up for a good/fun time" If you feel differently, who the fuck do you think you are to tell others how to treat something they enjoy? I'm not saying you have to play.. Err, I mean "Endure?" the same way I do. There are many different players, and just because they don't match up to your expectations of what a player of this game should be doesn't mean you have the aforementioned "right" to dictate who should and shouldn't be playing this.
  13. Hoozio

    Pending Update: Build

    It's more a time thing, if I have an hour or two, I don't want 50% or more of that time consumed by finding my friend.
  14. Hoozio

    Pending Update: Build

    As said in a follow-up post it's not the best for meeting people like a larger city is! My style of course, I'm in no way speaking for anybody else :)
  15. Hoozio

    Pending Update: Build

    Heh, I know everything you do has a purpose from every other patch you have released, I've no problems with that, what I do personally, and this is speaking from a selfish point of view, is loot Cherno/Elektro looking out for other friendlies to have some fun with, this as you can imagine gets me killed "alot". That's where the problem arises, I will generally logout upon a death and call it a night, if I have an hour before work the next day, I'd pop on and do the same, if I knew I'd have to run from Kamenka to Cherno, that hour just wouldn't be enough so I can see myself thinking "I'll play some Saints Row instead" or something like that. This is as I said how I play, and how I enjoy the game. Like you said though, it will be a bitch, and like always I know you have your reasons, just concerned for players like me with limited time on such a huge map being unable to enjoy it as much because of this, appreciate the reponse though!
  16. Hoozio

    Pending Update: Build

    I wholeheartedly suggest that you don't disable the "Respawn" button until you can select a spawn point, nobody wants to spawn in Kamenka when it is a pretty accurate assessment that you "need" to go to a main city and gear up before heading in-land. The only reason people may want to spawn there is because their friends/clan may be there. People will simply circumvent this restriction by climbing a ladder and jumping off, or aggro'ing many Zeds to die, I understand it takes up server resource to log/create each individual entry of a character per server but it will simply annoy way too many people for a very little gain. This is not mentioning the stuck in Wilderness spawns etc which also require a respawn pretty urgently if on a new character, just my 2 cents. Other than that, liking all the new things you're trying, I understand they may not be perfect but absolutely a step in the right direction.
  17. Firstly, loving the game! Played for a couple of weeks and love it - Spent most of the time dying and looking for supplies in Cherno/Elektro to eventually head North. This life so far I have managed to obtain a DMR in a Fire Station in Cherno with 2 Magazines, had no idea they spawned here, but no complaints! - Got my supplies together too, some food, hatchet, knife, Makarov, Bandages and Morphine of course. I started venturing North only to start going East, then probably West, I'm sure I went back South by accident. Luckily, got a Compass in a random small village! So I am really heading North now! Problem I have right now is I am very low on Blood - 4k, I do have 8 Raw Steaks from a friendly cow, but without a box of matches no way to eat the succulent steaks and restore blood. I have spent hours foraging random towns and have had no luck finding the matches to light my fire! - Is there any tips on finding these? I've personally only ever found them once in Elektro on my second life or something. Second problem, I'm completely lost, lol. Tried using the Map on the Interwebs, but have found no features that I can discern, I believe I'm probably around 60-80% North up the map and a bit to the East, but even with that, not a clue. What can I do to find my way to somewhere I can go from without the lucky addition of finding a Map! :D Thanks guys! Mucho love.
  18. Hoozio

    Lost + Box of Matches?!

    That's where the "Lost" bit comes in - I've no idea where abouts I am, sorry! :[[ Appreciate the offer of help <3!
  19. Hoozio

    Lost + Box of Matches?!

    Haha, any answer to the possible suggestions above would be great! :)