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Everything posted by discocristo

  1. http://imgur.com/a/ytno3
  2. This program autoupdates your scripts.txt/createvehicle.txt/remoteexec.txt In this version (0.4) you'll have to do loadScripts/loadEvents manually (or use BEC, which I recommend). The program downloads the latest .txt files from the dayz community banlist a project run by me and some others. Usage Place the .exe inside your PROFILES/BattlEye/ folder (where battleye BEServer.dll, scripts.txt etc is) Run the .exe If you want to change the update frequency launch the executeable via cmd "DayZ-ScriptUpdater.exe 20" where 20 = update frequency in minutes. Download https://www.dropbox....Updater-0.5.zip
  3. V0.5 Changelog: Added setdamage.txt, mpeventhandler.txt Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q1k63kjjgjspdjf/DayZ-ScriptUpdater-0.5.zip
  4. Updated to 0.4, now updates the following files: publicvariable.txt scripts.txt remoteexec.txt createvehicle.txt setpos.txt publicvariableval.txt Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/awyafz9rln3d7ts/DayZ-ScriptUpdater-0.4.zip
  5. Version 0.3 with publicvariables.txt https://www.dropbox.com/s/iubax7m618zfriu/dayzautoup-0.3.exe
  6. Updated both links with new .zip for those having problems.
  7. Yes. V0.2 https://www.dropbox.com/s/qf8fogw95ufq9bh/dayzautoup-0.2.zip
  8. Updated, now uses community banlist.
  9. As of now the program gets its files from Dwarden's dropbox (which are the same that you get from the dayz-community-banlist)
  10. discocristo

    US 1088 Hosted by ZombieHords HACKING

    you inbred little shits needs to stop blaming the fucking admin every time a hacker goes on the server. ADMINS CAN'T KILL YOU, ADMINS CAN'T SPAWN ITEMS OR VEHICLES, ADMINS DO NOT HAVE ANY SPECIAL ABILITIES, WE CAN ONLY KICK, BAN AND LOCK THE SERVER it was a hacker.
  11. discocristo

    When are choppers being patched back in

    Ander told me they'll be back in once BIS released a patch that fixes server-side vehicle handling I think.
  12. discocristo

    US 144 - Server restart without warning

    Character data is pushed to the HIVE in real time, that means everything you do with your character is being saved in real time, so what you are saying makes zero sense.