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Everything posted by :VADER:

  1. :VADER:

    hackers on CA1

    cool, so anyone who does not want to play with hackers and cheaters. DON'T GO ON CA1 , they all talk bullshit. ^ and hide behind false profiles/names ect. sad really your hosting and catering to a bunch of cheaters . Have fun wasting your money on losers like these. RGB are a bunch of goofs who have to hack to win, they are the ones setting up thunder dome. SKEET , CALL OF DAYZ , ^(^_^)^, and all of RGB are fooling you. they are the ones hacking on your server. so enjoy paying for pricks. I'm not the only one to post about CA1 and the bullshit that is pulled. I don't give a fuck if its a private server or not . Just warning players not to go near this horseshit of a server.
  2. :VADER:

    Server 838 - Everyone died by hacker

    a hacker killed you all
  3. fucking douchebags thanks for posting , we need to out these kinds of users . they are ruining the game. stay off CA1 - hackers paradise
  4. :VADER:

    hackers on CA1

    your a group hackers, plain and simple. I hope you goofs get banned from the main Hive because the shit you guys do on that server is complete bullshit. I'm not the only one to post about your clan and the server CA1. Like I've stated before THESE GUYS ARE HACKING DOUCHEBAGS WHO WILL SAY/DO ANYTHING TO AVOID BEING OUTED. so just keep off CA1 an avoid these horrible players who think they are the tits because they exploit a game that still in its beginning stages. you goofs can say what ever you want , but your all now known as hackers and the more people know the less bullshit they will have to put up with. you think you are so clever but your not, your a bunch of cowards hiding behind a computer screen. I've never even heard of half the guns they use in Arma let alone which ones are in dayz besides the gear I've picked up off the ground/ other players. I'm not some little fag who has to google all the spawn locations of weapons and vehicles. I LIKE TO HAVE FUN WHEN PLAYING A NEW GAME, I don't need my hand being held or cheats/hacks/exploits to enjoy something. you guys are just ruining the game. so no wonder you get bored and resort to this type of shit. People are taking a stand against users like you and soon we wont have to deal with this horse shit 24/7.
  5. :VADER:

    Huey+almost all vehicles

    not butthurt you just think your a boss because you hop on an empty server and scoop up all the vehicles ,WOW YOUR AMAZING MAKE MORE VIDEOS/PICTURES , if your a real player you would post what server you play on and what time your on ect ooooooooh wait you did and someone fucked your shit up :( . anyone can jump on an empty server and pull this shit off. way to be a tool
  6. :VADER:

    hackers on CA1

    you are the ones spawning the "hacked" gear , You are the group of hackers. And This is a warning to all other players to keep away. They will just spew bullshit . I found a bunch of bodies with gear so i looted them, how in the world am I suppose to know what is and is not hacked ammo. that was like the 4th m4 i have picked up and it scooped up all ammo. Your a group of cowards. Who like to make others into scapegoats. so keep away from CA1 and all their bullshit. Ill post more videos of this horse shit later.
  7. :VADER:

    What keeps you playing DayZ?

    the fact that this a evolving project and we are all guinea pigs , I just want to see where they really take this game and how much they can improve with the current project. The fact its open world and you have the freedom to do what ever you please. Interactions with other players either friendly or hostiles it can be very interesting to see how people really act in certain situations. I had pvp wars only to join forces to take on a bigger threat in the server.
  8. SPIKE STRIPS!!! lay them on the road to pop tires. SuperSOAKERS!!! yes the ones you run around your backyard/pool with. now here me out , you can fill them with gas and BOOM you have a flamethrower !! and make use of those whiskey bottles and turn them into Molotov cocktails . Make the fishing boat faster!/able to stand on the deck and shoot! Anti Aircraft cannons , to shoot down those pesky choppers Fishing rods to well FISH lol crossbows come with packs of bolts not singles if you are killed by the infected / now its your turn to be a zombie and take on the other survivors / your body will still have the gear but locked for the undead player ect Horses!!! we want ponies!!!!!!! boombox, put it in an area turn it on and it will attract the z's More Melee weapons /machete/brass knuckles /Gurkha knife / baseball bat ect / you should be able to smack people around with your flash light . broad swords and knight armor in the castles ? :D we can all reactant SWORD IN THE STONE :P ill ad more to the list.
  9. :VADER:

    Dope shit that should be in game :D

    yeah I know the limitations of the engine but if we keep pumping out silly ideas some might take off , I don't want this game to turn into other zombie games, but it would be cool to had more everyday objects ect. Like if a zombie broke down my door RIGHT NOW i'd grab any blunt object and beat its skull in. I don't want a massive amount of custom homemade weapons like dead island but you get what i mean. The fact you cannot defend yourself with out a gun or axe is pretty stupid at least make the player able to push away z's . Now I have no trouble running away or losing the z's but other player get cornered and its game over. lol and the supersoaker is more of a joke but for real I use to make them all the time and my neighbors thought i was going to burn down the neighborhood. supersoaker + rod with rag + gas/windshield fluid = flamethrower
  10. I over heard a group of players who said they were Devs for The War Z and one of their main priorities is to sabotage DayZ, So they pretty much hire on people to hack servers and ruin the fun. so people will rage quit and buy this other game. NO WORD OF A LIE , I did not have Fraps running, but I can assure you there is people with hidden agendas out there. They could have be copy cats but its getting pretty lame that's for sure.
  11. :VADER:

    Some guns just do too little damage!

    shoot them in the head, seems like all the survivors spawn with Kevlar vests ;) :P
  12. that is the first thing i thought of when i saw whiskey bottles and the gas station . soon maybe ? would be a dope ass weapon to use against players/zombies make a wall of fire or drop them from rooftops
  13. :VADER:

    US 758 Hacker alert

    rad1 you are the hacker
  14. :VADER:

    CA 1 banned for no reason

    call of dayz, [zic] xin, skeet, ^( ^_^)^, and all of RGB are douche bag hackers , I've watched them a few nights in a row.
  15. :VADER:

    CA 1 banned for no reason

    they are a bunch of douchebags keep away from their lame ass server.
  16. :VADER:

    hackers on CA1

    the ITEMS YOU HACKED you goof, Honestly you are a coward.
  17. well they would have to have Justin Beiber hair cuts FOR SURE!
  18. :VADER:

    Huey+almost all vehicles

    players like you ruin the game , no wonder most people can never find a vehicle, why do you need so many ? cocks small ? douche bags I'm telling you. i can understand 1 chopper and 1 "car" but this is pretty fucking lame , your a complete TOOL and I hope your shit gets raided ASAP or hackers fuck your shit up.
  19. :VADER:

    Church bells "run and hide!"

    walk in the middle of the street and fire your gun that should get you some needed attention, you can climb city hall, it has a bell tower that rings (scares the shit out of me) throw smoke and flares in occupied buildings / areas . those really get the z's attention .
  20. if you want to know who you killed study the body, they are trying to be realistic......as in if you are killed on the battlefield it would be next to impossible to know who dealt you the final blow......
  21. :VADER:


    supermarkets are loaded with food. sounds like you run into loot spots just after someone else has raided it. check out the supermarkets every 10 minuets or so....
  22. :VADER:

    AKS 74 Kobra

    Kobra is wonderful , AIM FOR THE HEAD, it comes with that amazing green dot , The M4A1's red dot is SOOOOOOOO shit in comparison. Enfiled is one of the best guns due to 1-2 hit kill same with the winchester. so some of the more desired "high end" guns can be some what disappointing and can let you down. I've rand into big groups who were all decked out with mp5s,aks,m4's,sniper rifles, but my enfield took them all out while they are spraying and praying. I had a fire fight in an apartment building last night and the guy was a foot away, he unloaded 1911 clips at me and it took one enfield bullet to kill him. all he did was break my leg and put me down to about 9000+
  23. :VADER:

    Do you only play on one server?

    Daytime I find the best ping/player ratio , but at night I like to hop on a server with a private Hive . so its nice to have two characters
  24. :VADER:

    how many shots can a person survive?

    Put it this way, Your Player has Kevlar Vest on, SHOOT THEM IN THE HEAD, The enfield is still a one shot kill you may have to put a second bullet in them to finish them off but still one shot knocks them on their ass cold. Like I said with pistols shoot for the Head , or shoot out there legs . broken bones are a bitch when you are in a fire fight. Cross bows are weak against players :S but should be very deadly. Even Ak's a weak when it comes to body shots . Mp5 is a bb gun if you don't aim for the head.
  25. :VADER:

    Tracing Bullets

    skimmed through the video seems like he was on factory roof with a cz, horrible sniper rifle for that distance. but i could be totally wrong....