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Everything posted by :VADER:

  1. :VADER:

    A few ways to lose zombies.

    lol while playing today I literately ran into a barn and dropped 50+ zombies
  2. :VADER:

    Will my PC run DayZ / Arma II?

  3. :VADER:

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am.
  4. There will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millennium Falcon. You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive. No disintegrations......
  5. :VADER:

    Bounty Hunters NEEDED ASAP

    You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Take her away!
  6. :VADER:

    Bounty Hunters NEEDED ASAP

    ^Don't fail me again, Admiral
  7. :VADER:

    Becoming your typical FPS PvP game?

    this game is pretty much an online battle royal + zombies
  8. Last night was playing on a really fun server, I managed to make a few friends and we were held up in cherno church, the server had a gang of bandits RGB clan, they were nice to me though lol, there was also the CALL OF DAYZ player who rigged all of elektro with c4 and he turned it into a waste land. anyways after be friendly with the two in church we geared eachother up and made a run for the supermarket . I took the lead being the most ballsy and a big risk taker , I stormed into the back of the store as i ran into the counter 3 guys were looting they turned and we all broke out into a fire fight, I RAN MY ASS to the back and out the side, my 2 buddies then engaged the 2 of the 3 . so i ran around to the front of the store and b-lined right to the back shelf , with makarov in hand put every bullet into his face but sadly his ak was set to rock and roll and blew my chest wide open. The whole time i was in church there was SO much chatter on the side channel , pretty much calling out each other and calling each other bandits ect. Shaker ,alex and jonno seemed to be a big treat but they were no where near cherno at the time. so after pretty much having a flame war over side channel and getting into a firefight with a completely different group . I respawn way out east and low and behold Shaker spawns in the same area ( he got trapped between cherno/elektro by the RGB gang. we said fuck it and teamed up lol , we managed to find a crossbow some small loot AND A BIKE!!!! lol but he crashed it into the pond by elektro , As i went to scout elektro i soon realized something was up, the whole town was blown to pieces , all the important building were leveled (except the firestation) as i ran through the town BOOM BOOM BOOM explosions galore and the shockwave blew out my knees so i crawled till i found a grenade in the firestation. so i had to suicide due to low health and no medical supplies what so ever. I warned Shaker not to come close to elektro.
  9. I find your lack of Faith disturbing
  10. :VADER:

    changing face skin

    bud , just stick to the faces you can use. starting off with camo face is pretty douche .
  11. :VADER:

    UH-1H Huey

    been at NE airstrip all day , not one server had a chopper or a uaz for me. I'm one sad panda
  12. :VADER:

    What gets you killed?

    @ Siberian it flashes for a minuet or two, and then makes you bleedout. you really don't have much time and it really depends on the total you had before you started to starve/dehydrate .
  13. :VADER:

    What gets you killed?

    Falling off ladders or rooftops , crashing my bike, getting cornered into a bush or fence then beat down by the hoard, shot by scumbag bandits ;) but mostly falling off the factory towers :S
  14. :VADER:

    Zombie Aggro Radius

    its fucked atm , so its a roll of the dice , some zombies are on rage mode while others just stand in open starring at the sun, I've had zombie run away from me at times :S
  15. didn't your parents tell you not to run up or down stairs ?
  16. :VADER:

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    LOL xbox LOL
  17. :VADER:

    Im scared... but not of the Zombies

    NO SPECIAL ZOMBIES , that shit is SOOOOOOOO lame.
  18. :VADER:

    Remove Wire Fences POLL

    lol the zombies just walk through the wire anyway they are useless against zombies , players have to jump over them if they are lucky
  19. :VADER:

    Worst 30$ spent.

    awwwwwww barney!
  20. :VADER:

    CZ 550 or AKS74 Kobra?

    depends on your play style. Will you sit back and snipe or do you want to get nitty and gritty ? ak if your into assaulting and raiding. cz if you like to take your time ect
  21. :VADER:

    Why does DAYZ take ages to load

    find a low ping server with low players playing, you will log in super fast
  22. :VADER:

    Love for the Winchester anyone? :D

    yeah this is a beast of a weapon - i hate when games dumb down shot guns
  23. :VADER:

    getting the game - help me!?

    no you have to PAY REAL MONEY for arma2/expansion, then you can download the dayz mod which is free. so your looking to pay about $35 on steam AND THERE IS NO FREE VERSION!
  24. :VADER:

    DK3 admin abuse

    clan full of hacking/exploiting/douping/butthurt douche bags :)
  25. douche bags , really if youre so worried about players taking your vehicles/equipment set you server to private 24/7, seriously i hate these loot then boot admins. cool i killed you and all your buddies, take the best gear , then BOOM struck down by the boot hammer. don't play on clan run servers they hoard all the good stuff and tend to be complete dick heads in these types of situations.