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About :VADER:

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  1. umm never came across this one before , so i get into a game and out of no where my guys stops pulls out his pistol and shoots himself in the head......fucking hackers are so lame
  2. :VADER:

    more Utes PVP

    pfffffffft name tags
  3. :VADER:

    DayZ 2017 - The Trailer - new arma2/dayz mod

    looks cool , whats with the hate? Face it rockets dayz *as the mod stands* is like 1/10 of what the game could really be
  4. :VADER:

    #1 Reason I Hate DayZ

    ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahha, this is why parents tell their children not to run up and down the stairs
  5. :VADER:

    Hitting Zombies With Vehicles

    would also be pretty nice to add those road kill zombies to your kill count
  6. 1. Police stations with a car or 2 parked out front/back, an armory inside with kevlar and police issued weapons / riot gear ect 2. RPGs and IEDs. Shooting down choppers / setup vehicle ambushes 3. take out thermal and NVGs / we should rely more on flares, chemlights, flashlights, camp fires ect
  7. :VADER:

    Dogs... Are they coming?

    I have a feeling people will just KOS those poor puppies.....I just dont get how they will work yet do you have to find them roaming around or do you spawn with one ? can you steal peoples dogs if the player dies ect... going to be interesting once the are released. and WHO LET THE DOGS OUT will be played over side chat 24/7
  8. yup looks like when you have a bandit skin / hero skin and or put on camo or ghillie suit you get the Script Restriction #45
  9. :VADER:

    Script Restriction #45

    if your player skin changes you get the boot, ie if you become a bandit/hero or put on cam clothing/ghillie suit.
  10. :VADER:

    Build Rolling Update

    Script Restriction 45 ! looks like when you become a bandit it kicks you saying Script Restriction #45, I have even came across this when putting on camo/ghillie . makes me a real sad panda
  11. this post sounds like dayz to me ... this is pretty much happens all the time in dayz.....
  12. :VADER:

    "Zombie Logging" What's your take?

    imo it would be the same as Combat Logging. Take them on, run away or die like a man
  13. :VADER:

    [VIDEO] How to See At Night

    how to play like a pussy
  14. don't forget around 80% of admins use hacks themselves, and the amount of power they have can turn them to the darkside pretty quickly with having massive advantages over bambis and trusting players. They will do anything and everything for their friends and clan mates. Your best bet at this point is just to wait for the stand alone version. Hackers will have been mostly killed off and struck with the ban hammer due do it being the number one priority .
  15. :VADER:

    Spray Paint and Buckets

    If your in a crew you can paint up your area letting others know who has taken over an area , warn other players of whats ahead ect you could do so much with this but sadly people will abuse it by drawing dicks...