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Everything posted by ryahn

  1. ryahn

    Bad serial number given in setup

    Have you tried verifying the game data?
  2. Do you have both games installed? If you want, I will be more than willing to teamviewer you.
  3. ryahn

    Why Day-Z Fails

  4. ryahn

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Its a good excuse but even if I ever pirated a game, I never go on MP with it.
  5. I will do the same. US 850 will be offline I have a dedicated with a friend and I havent gotten the email either
  6. Me an a friend have a server from HFB and I have noticed I lag a lot or I will lag to where I was last at 5 minutes ago
  7. You can check out MadCast Gaming. We have a Seattle DayZ server for out community that is open to DayZ community.
  8. I have been looking around for some kind of server manager to manager DayZ on my desktop and not in game. I have tried BEC but I keep running into errors with it. BERcon is good but cant find a decent tutorial. Are there any others out there?
  9. Thanks works like a charm but now I have the issue where it times out on me.
  10. I did try that and the server window would show the mission file trying to load in a continuous stream of text. I have had so many issues trying to set it up, I am about to just get rid of it] EDIT: did a complete reinstall and fixed the issue
  11. I have a seattle server but I am issues right now trying to setup everything
  12. ryahn

    Install Help

    Could I get someone to help install the server. I have made countless tries at installing it. I dont know what exactly I am doing wrong.
  13. I am having the error where is says the server is running the wrong server side application. I have both my files and serves files updated to 94876 and battleeye 1.11/1.60. When I did the update, I did delete the beta folders on both and let dayz patch afterwards.
  14. I have done reinstalls for both Arma 2 and OA. I have done the verify of the files and deleting the beta folders when updating to another beta version. I have downgraded both my install the servers to 94876. I also have the hive version 0.4.1 on the server with dayz and I am still having issues where I connect and see the error that he server is running the wrong server side application. Would I be able to get someone to help either fix it or reinstall it?
  15. I cant even connect to my server. Updated everything to the latest and I get stuck at loading.....
  16. What is the hive version that needs to be running? I am new to the server thing and want to make sure I have everything setup corrently
  17. Dual Quad L5420 10000GB 100mbps Port 16 GB Ram
  18. Its been a few days here as well