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Everything posted by ryahn

  1. I already have the installed. Is there a more updated one coming out for it?
  2. It would be cool if like a RC version could be released. With the new patch 95208, Arma2 Rcon GUI and BERcon are timing out like a mofo.
  3. Also on a note. From what I can see, the people who run HFB are not old people. I remember IIRC and been around it for a bit and I am only 22. I also believe that the HFB owner is somewhere in his 20s from what I have read from somewhere on here.
  4. Update to 95208 and your BE to v1.61.94945+ That is all
  5. ryahn


  6. I am having the same problem and both six and manual dont work
  7. How does one install this and use it? It would be nice for me so I dont have to get in chat to warn players
  8. Good luck getting anything fixed. I have yet to see certain problems like these get fixed
  9. Are you talking about Hosted or dedicated?
  10. ryahn

    Bad Version

    I have updated my server and client to beta 95168 and I cannot connect to the server. It claims I need version 1.62.9xxxxxx. I have installed the 1.62 RC version of the game and I still get the error.
  11. How would you reset the map or items? I have been issue where a group of players have gathered up most of everything and having a real unfair advantage to others.
  12. I will be happy to donate. Be nice to have something better than BERcon and Arma 2 Rcon GUI
  13. ryahn

    Bad Version

    anyone figure out a fix yet?
  14. The server I have is running the latest patch and BE server and client 1.61. The server will stay up for a few hours and then disappear from the list. I have it setup to allow all ports for Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA server. So there shouldnt be an issue with ports. Also when I load into BERcon, it would show everyone on and then show a massive disconnect and the server is unresponsive from then on. Once I stop and restart it, it runs again. At this point I am bewildered and cant figure it out. I am willing to allow anyone who is experienced enough to teamviewer me to help.
  15. It would be from your server. I went onto my server with RDP and did speedtest.,net
  16. It took about 8 days for my server to get approved
  17. ryahn

    Server Crashing with 95054

    I have that in mine and the servers
  18. ryahn

    Server Crashing with 95054

    I just tried 95168 and I am not able to join because of battleye. It wants me to have 1.62 and I dont even see that
  19. Do you have a tracker or anything that I could sign up at to keep updated on the progress?
  20. Once you are approved, there are instructions in the files. If you follow it word for word and in order, your server will be up in less than an hour (includes downloading time, if any). If you run into any problems, feel free to contact me personally.
  21. ryahn

    Server Crashing with 95054

    Damn they are releasing these betas way to fast and many
  22. This sounds awesome. I have been using Arma 2 Rcon GUI to ban and kick players. And that is really the only thing that is useful. I cant wait to try it out. Also, OP, could you change your font. Its a little hard to read IMO
  23. I use HFB and everything is fine.
  24. Beans to you. I will talk with the person who owns the server I help with. We might take ours down.