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Everything posted by ryahn

  1. ryahn

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    If you have a ticket in, could please PM me your ticket ID. I am also going through all tickets and check each server.
  2. ryahn

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    Sorry didnt see this. The limited access should be fixed after this hardware update. Dont take my words exactly but we as a host still have to hold up DayZ policies. Thank you for your feedback.
  3. ryahn

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    I will probably have to pull the files off my server, as I dont see to be having any problems with my dedicated server. Thanks for pointing it out.
  4. ryahn

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    To add a little note about "Its HFB". We have over 400 servers and its not every server that is broken. Sorry if I come across wrong to anyone, this is not my intent. If you could, get a few servers that are not having issues so I can look them up.
  5. This has to be with the hive as those files do not exist on the server. Is this with HFB?
  6. ryahn

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    Yes I can respond to your ticket. Could you please PM me your ticket ID so I can look it up faster. I can do manual update. I will look into your server. Please PM your email or ticket ID.
  7. ryahn

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    It will be a little over a month before all of these will take place. All of the servers are running fine CPU and network wise. All the desync is caused by hive. I cant say exactly. I will look into the hive versions and make sure they are running
  8. ryahn

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    Thank for the feedback. We are still working on either giving a free month or half off coupon.
  9. ryahn

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    Right now we are working on upgrading all the server. There will be some servers that will be moved to reduce the number from 6 servers per box to 5.
  10. ryahn

    So many locked server

    No there are a lot of US ones that locked. I keep my server open and just monitor BEC and BERcon for anything suspicious.
  11. If its a newly installed on, I would try and download the files again and update them in your @DayZ. If this doesnt work, its probably a bad connection to the hive.
  12. ryahn

    Servers with Global Chat

    Presently I know its not allowed to have it Global. I also know that it was disabled in
  13. Heart Beat script in place. Now working on temp admin script.
  14. You may want to update your beta manually and also update your battleye. I had to do this and everything has been working fine.
  15. ryahn

    Major HFBServers Changes Inbound!

    Nice Also did Inu inform you on anything?
  16. You will need to do 2 things to do auto restart. Install BEC and get a restart script. Once you get both and installed BEC (which I can help you with), you will need to make a job in the Scheduler.xml to have it run it.
  17. Or verify your game cache if your using steam Right Click on game > Properties > Local Files > Verify
  18. MinBandwidth=104857600; MaxBandwidth=104857600; MaxMsgSend=1024; MaxSizeGuaranteed=512; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=64; MinErrorToSendNear=0.029999999; MinErrorToSend=0.003; MaxCustomFileSize=0; Windowed=0; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=1; Resolution_Bpp=32;
  19. I understand you want to launch it with FD, but I have been running mine with BEC and bat file. And since you said it runs fine with a bat file, it would make since to use it. If you need help installing BEC, I can assist you. BEC is pretty much automated and has a nice scheduler.
  20. Exactly Good luck. You will have to get every server white listed.
  21. I had a hiccup on my server late afternoon. But after about an hour, everything went back to normal. Also with the specs you have, I dont see an issue with the network. But you never know with some of these datacenters.
  22. I sit at loading for about 5 to 10 minutes before I load in. It has to do with the hive, I believe. It only happens to me when I log in with gear. With a new character, its like 2 minutes. Also, what is the beta and dayz version running on it?
  23. ryahn

    Could not connect to BE master

    You will need to update your BE manually. Go here - http://battleye.com/download.html If you are beta 94945+, you will need to the v1.61.9xxxx. If your running earlier, download the top two. Once you have both. Put them in every Battleye folder (Arma 2\Battleye and Arma 2 OA\Expansions\Battleye. Run six launcher and your issue should be solved. If you continue to have problems, update to 95208 with the BE for 94945+ and it should be fixed.