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Everything posted by ryahn

  1. I know there are a lot of complaints about the restrictions of the files. I have not received a ticket yet that the FTP or File Manager is having problems. I know the customer support was horrible in the past but it is getting better as we are trying to get users who are knowledgeable on the game and with servers with staff. I know that Vilayer and Host Altitude do not have forums but I can see if I can get the forums up but I cant guarantee that it will happen but I do understand where some of you are coming from for having a forums.
  2. ryahn


    I have updated your scripts and hopefully the tweak I made to your scripts.log will fix the logging problem.
  3. ryahn


    Who hosts your server? If its HFB, I will just need the Location ID (US XXX)
  4. I am not a dayz admin but I am an admin of a server that has yet to get an admin complaint about it
  5. There were more specific reasons on why the forums were taken down. I also wasnt the one that took it down, as I joined HFB 5 days ago. I am only here trying to correct a lot of the bad things happening.
  6. ryahn

    Admin Commands?

    Multiplayer - http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Server_Commands BE - http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BattlEye
  7. HFB has FTP access to their servers also. The only files that you cant edit are server.cfg, mission file, timezone.bat and a few others.
  8. I do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. We had no choice but to change the location ID. I know the issue will be that your users who call your server home will join the other one. What I can suggest is that you can make a thread about your server for everyone who uses it, will know you had your location ID changed.
  9. I will do that and I am making a restart script
  10. Personally I think there should be two hives for private and public. Are you still with HFB? If so, I can take a look at your scripts.txt permissions to see what I can do. Also the logs are now being rotated, so you wont have to worry about pruning.
  11. Bumping for the new people
  12. I have this issue with my own server. It shows up via IP but not in the list
  13. I am looking at it on my dedicated. For some reason the site wont load on my computer.
  14. ryahn

    DayZ Host Survey

    Need more submissions
  15. ryahn

    Keeping a server daytime?

    It requires modifying the mission file. Which is not allowed.
  16. Alright thank you. Also if you have skype, you can add me. You can find it in my profile.
  17. That is very odd. Do you think you could do me a favor and mark down what times you see it go down? I am going to fix the problem. I know the past couple of days, I had to a lot of updates, one to the machine it self and then one for dayz.
  18. Yes, I had to put it on 4 because my logs were getting a little to big for my liking. Its restarts at 1AM, 7AM, 1PM and 7PM PST. Everytime I have been on the dedicated server, the server was running. I know sometimes it doesnt show up in the list, but its always on. This is the first time I have been notified about my server crashing.
  19. Its very odd its down that much. I have never gotten any reports until now. I have it set to restart 4x a day.
  20. How is it running for some of you and on your servers? I just want to know before I make the leap.
  21. ryahn

    Feedback on Beta 95417

    You will need to join teamspeak and talk with the owner.
  22. ryahn

    Feedback on Beta 95417

    The customer service here has gotten a lot better. There were a few server errors they ended fixing also so its getting better.