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Everything posted by ryahn

  1. I started to write it in PHP and javascript but changed to batch and powershell. I am still awaiting permission to use BEC source code within mine to make it an all in one.
  2. I will update it once I figure out this multi-window bug. Also please remember, this is for dedicated servers only
  3. Update: This will not have a GUI present at this time. Everything will be managed with a config.cfg. In later versions there will possibly be a GUI.
  4. Will do. I just got all my stuff back from Hawaii. So I am unpacking and then get back to programming again ^_^
  5. At this moment, I probably wont let anyone look over the source code until I know its safe to release it. I am still having some issues with it wanting to have seizures. And by seizures, I mean open 30 windows at once e_e.
  6. ryahn

    Basic Server FAQ

    *Shakes Fist* I was about to post that :P @BarackObama If you need any more help beyond this, just hit me up. Also beans for the name XD
  7. It should be enough. The reason why they say 3 GHz is because of how much CPU usage the server uses. I have scripts to help maintain my server so it never goes over a certain amout
  8. You can check out HFB Servers. Others will tell you that our support was bad in the past, but this has changed around. We have also fixed a lot of the server issues.
  9. I was able to connect and play just fine on the server.
  10. Make sure that its with everything of the latest that is out. Also make sure that you are running the latest updates on your client (Beta, Hive, Dayz, Battleye)
  11. From what I know about the scripts.txt. If it has a 1, it will only log. If it has a 5, it will kick (not sure if it logs). I am also not sure if there is a 3 to just kick and log.
  12. Would there be a way to add them? But I probably know the answer. If BE is bypassed, the scripts.txt wont work
  13. And here I started to write one and you beat me to it. :P Great guide You can remove this line from your scripts.txt but it wouldnt log who accessed that feature. You may also look for it and change it to a 1 instead of 5.
  14. I have tried googling and it doesnt seem to bring the results I am looking for. I guess I will have to try some more later when I'm not tired
  15. I am just curious unless I am missing something. What or how do you get live guid checking? Also I have never been able to get battleye to kick people for unverified guid players
  16. I know in the scripts.txt that I use, it kicks players for trying to create anything that is counted as hacking, ex/ createVehicle
  17. You cant remove any of the items via FTP. You would have to reset the server. In order to do this, you would have to get permission to but its most likely no
  18. You may want to update your scripts to the dayz dev scripts.txt. Or you can remove that line from your scripts.txt
  19. Your server has just been set up (which is why it was marked as 'Active'), however it's not usable just yet! See, each server needs to download a 17gb file (and then extract the contents onto the box). This is an extraordinary amount of data and takes 2-3 hours to fully set-up, usually. In the updates, they will show up as not installed until you install them. You will have to wait to do this until your server is done installing.
  20. Before I go into details. This thread is only to inform customers of a hot fix and answer any issues they are having with this issue specifically. All other issues not pertaining to this issue will be disregarded in this thread and should be submitted via a ticket. If you cannot submit a ticket, please PM me. On another note, this will not be for bashing, flaming or hating if you had a bad experience in the past/current with HFB. I have applied a hot fix to the log rotation script. There was line of text of //new being added to every log file created. This has been updated to NewFile or New File. I am currently sending out emails to all active customers about this issue. If you are having issues with your log file with it not updating to this, please stop and restart your server. If this still does not fix it, please post and PM me your Last Name and email address. We have also added the beta 95417 update. Thanks, Ryahn Carr
  21. ryahn

    Our HBF server down?

    If you are having issues signing up. Sign up again without ordering and submit a ticket. I will look into your account to see what issue is causing yours.
  22. ryahn

    i need a good fucking home server

    You check out US 850