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Everything posted by Deneme

  1. I would like for tents to just work again and not get wiped like they do. That would make a large number of people happy.
  2. Gotta agree with most of the other people in this thread about just logging off when it starts raining/go to different server. Not enough ways to combat temperature dropping at this moment.
  3. Deneme

    Feedback: 1.5.8 Zombie Spawn

    No idea why they reduced the amount of zombies in the recent patch when the amount was just fine, and the re-spawn rate is the thing that is ridiculous. You kill one and two will take its spot as it is right now.
  4. At least the previous system actually worked ~.~ Also it would appear that some members of my group got moved from where we all logged off at near Berezino to the NW airfield, on top of the ATC tower. Every time the try climbing down the server crashes placing them back up there, or when the disconnect and logs back it they are back up there again.
  5. I was wondering on if it would be possible to make the fireplaces you find inside of most houses and buildings able to lit up and not have to be fed wood? Though with the amount of buildings around that you cannot enter, it would make it harder to do this with smaller towns and such.
  6. Deneme

    An open letter to the silent majority

    The only thing I need from this game now is for tents to not reset so often and it would be golden for me. This game/mod is already amazing and is something I have been wanting to see for quite some time.
  7. I am disappointed at the lack of canned spam and veinna sausages scattered around.
  8. I too enjoy the increased number of zombies around, but the respawn times on them are a bit crazy right now. When you kill one, two will replace it for the most part. I have been seeing an increased amount of players getting what they need from inside a place and then retreating to a building with a massive horde following them just to log out/log back in so the horde de-spawns/scatters.
  9. Deneme

    Anyone else like night-time better?

    I defiantly feel safer at night when there is a moon out, creeping along with my trusty crossbow in hand(which is quite amazing when you get used to the aiming). Managed to kill off a bandit sniper with one hit from it that I sneaked up on. Turns out he had NVG to go with full set of survival gear, and a nice m9SD.
  10. Deneme

    Fireplace and tent placement

    Gotta agree on this. At the current moment the tents are too exposed and forces players to go to great ends of the maps to hide them, which at that point everyone is doing it and will stumble across them while trying to hide theirs. What would be a nice feature is if more forms of 'hid-holes' could be created that players could hide some stash away in. Last feature I understand will not happen most likely due to game engine limitations.
  11. Like title said, last night me and a few friends setup tents in Virginia 9 and now they are all missing. Other players cannot pickup a tent that is not theirs, so this server would seem to be bugged and now avoided. ::Edit:: It would appear my tents on multiple servers are all gone. Was there a wipe?
  12. So, I have been noticing an influx of passworded servers. Please tell me these are just servers being used for testing and not players using these servers with friends to farm good weapons/gear and then coming back to other servers to cause havoc.