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About Metroid331

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  1. Metroid331

    Why didn't this guy shoot me? (Video Included)

    WTH, i didn't make two threads, i just made one. Also i shot him because he was going to kill me, they always do.
  2. So I was shooting people in Elektro and all of a sudden i hear a pop can being opened to my left (Turn up the volume if you can't hear it, its right after I put the second bullet in the first guy), I grab my gun and shoot him. The thing is, he was looking right at me and must have had plenty of time to shoot me, why didn't he? My sniper rifle shots are loud and it took me more then 10 seconds to switch to my assault rifle. The only reason I can think of is that he was typing some sort of line into the chat before he was going to shoot me. Also, turn down the sound after the shooting, the end music is really loud. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eHL8jE08t0&feature=youtu.be
  3. I call it a score because i try to beat my previous life's record. Its a video game after all.
  4. So i found my first Ghille suit after a little more than 3 weeks play, i go upstairs at put my backpack on the floor so it doesn't get eaten (heard abut that glitch from others) and i put it on and i didn't notice while playing but i looked later and saw that it reset. Is this supposed to happen cause it sucks that i lost my score in the game. I have all my gear and stuff (pick up my bag a little after the video) but i feel sad now that my score is gone. Luckily i have video proof (whole recording was 25 min long but i edited it for easy viewing) Also note even though youtube has it for 1080p quality i recorded this with Dxtory at 720p and medium quality (for a reduced file size) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh6WgC9u8sE&feature=youtu.be
  5. I was going to the Barracks in NW Airfield and I did not expect a player there (the Zombie spawns I thought were caused by me and there were a total of 5 people on this server) It caught me off guard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlRVcjlHXHQ&feature=youtu.be Feel free to upload any vids you recorded where a player poped up out of nowhere.
  6. Metroid331

    Day Z lol compilation

    whole thing looks staged except the commander cool part.
  7. Metroid331

    Zombie kills and headshots

    Just wanted to post this since the zombie kills and headshots are mirrored. This is Petrovka i think (top left hand portion of the map)
  8. Metroid331

    DMR or M24?

    In your opinion, which sniper rifle is better/ do you like more? I already have the M24 but just found a DMR, plenty of ammo for both but i don't know if the DMR is worth picking up.
  9. Here is a brief look at my day so far in Day Z, this is my first recorded video so it sucks, also movie maker limited me to 720 x 480 instead of a large resolution like 1600 x 900 which is what I run the game on with high graphics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJY-v0ofcSM&feature=plcp Sorry I have to link it, can't figure out how to put the video directly in the text. EDIT: Ok, the video is in the text, ignore the sentence above this one.
  10. Metroid331

    Found a Bike, how do i take a screen cap?

    Found a bus while on my bike ride. This bus is out of gas and in Stary Sober on US 845 if anyone wants it, The picture is before I looted some of the food and ammo, the guns are still there as well as my bike.
  11. Metroid331

    Found a Bike, how do i take a screen cap?

    Ok here it is, sorry it took so long, tried dropbox first but it wasn't working so i figured out my photobucket login. This is only the 3rd vehicle i have found, first that was usable, a tipped over ATV and beached boat are useless.
  12. Metroid331

    Found a Bike, how do i take a screen cap?

    Now how do i upload the picture into this thread. I just wanted to have proof to back up my claim.
  13. Whats the default screen cap button for Day Z and where does it store the pictures? Found a bike and I want to take a picture, it was fully repaired and at the very end of the road at upper north west Chernarus. EDIT: There are now pictures of my bike adventure below, didn't want to create a new thread to show them off. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV