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Everything posted by soLch

  1. Just curious, in the stand alone, are zombie movements going to be smoothed out instead of the weird sketchy sprinting movements?
  2. soLch

    Zombie animations, stand alone?

    I don't mind that they are fast adds suspense (hopefully there are some slow + some fast) but the way they turn sharply has been a problem since like alpha or whatever of this game =/
  3. Fuck the bandit system indeed. In real life people wouldnt be wearing a sign that says 'im not friendly and will most likely kill you' you need that question of, 'can I trust this guy?' and while one is wearing a bandit skin... Well the point is you can't trust any one regardless but sometimes I like to play friendly but can't due to my skin being a bandit =[ And plus it would be more fun (to me) to pull off some espionage shit while in a group and just be like fuck it, I can survive on my own *bang bang* Fix zombie zig zag thanks!
  4. They should add role playing servers. For the people who really like to make up stories during there time alive in DayZ and follow through with them. Now, most people do role play but I dont see it played out that much. With role playing servers people can fully immerse themselves in this great game. The servers would have to have active admins to 'govern' if people are RP or not. I think it would be fun.
  5. Besides the little interview mentioning the dogs for future patches, can you or any moderator give a confirmation on what's being worked on for next patch via list? Zombie speed, bandits? Anything at all that people have brought up. Thanks!!!
  6. slower zombies or at least a fixed walking path they run. Just smooth them out a bit, the sharp zig zags they take is crazy at times. Clipping through walls/doors ect.ect. No more bandit skin, player choice or just survivor skins. Just remove the humanity system completely. Dogs? really? *sigh* if anything they should be ravid zombie dogs and they should be the ones that move quicker, not the zombies. Priority should be to fix server issues though I don't get that problem a lot but others do. Player spawning system. I understand that big cities are the main attraction to this game but whats the point of having a 225 or whatever km map if you spawn on the coast near chern or elektro 99.99% of the time. Again make it player choice weather to spawn North, East, South, West ect. no need to show a map location of WHERE they spawn, or at least make it 100% random including midland areas. Or why not just cut the map in half, would that increase FPS for people? lol Give us more to do..... I absolutely love this game, no doubt about it. I am finding myself doing the SAME thing over and over and over. It has turned into a large map death match game to me. There are players just running around killing each other to fuck you over or just because they see another player. I do it too just because it has stopped feeling like a real survival game. Add some objectives. Add objectives AWAY from the big cities. Make like little villages in the middle of the map zones that carry a little more ammo and gear but come with a little more zombies and you have to basically form a squad to take it over. I know this mod is YOUR vision and all, but think of The Walking Dead or anything. They can't really stay at one location for too long, they had to move around to certain locations to acquire new supplies. Like said this is a 225km map and I'm seeing most of the people between chern and elektro. I'm sure there are people that venture off but for what... whats the point of this being multiplayer if your alone for 99% of the time out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe make capture zones like in regular ARMA 2 where you solo or you in a squad can go and hold and gear spawns at a little quicker rate there or something. Just give us SOMETHING to do because as much fun as this game is and the new player data base its bringing, it WILL get too repetitive after a while and people will get bored of it at some point.
  7. So it's quite obvious we spawn on the coast, I know it's a survival game but would people like an option to choose their spawning point (not by view on map) by selectin like coast, mid land, north, east ect ect?
  8. soLch

    Survival MOD

    I made the same exact post about removing zombies. Then people responded and i realized whats the point of removing zombies, they don't have THAT much effect and this game is pretty much has a 'zombiless' feeling to it. All I do is kill other people and take their stuff, that's my means of surviving.
  9. i've actually seen quite a few zombies clip through doors/building walls. Zombies zig-zagging needs to be tweaked a little, their turns are soooooo sharp, aiming at a zombie while in town with 30fps sometimes lower not the easiest thing (don't say upgrade PC k thnx, its not my PC) I wouldn't care if their speed was kept the same, just smooth out their movements and make them give up after a certain amount of time chasing.
  10. soLch

    Fast vs Slow Zombies

    He's right I guess, but the zombies have to stop zigzagging so sharply and stop chasing sooooo long and just be smoothed out and I wouldn't mind so much what so ever.
  11. soLch

    Fast vs Slow Zombies

    So what's the confirmation from developers? Are they going to be kept the same speed? I hope they stop zigzagging so much though, and at least not chase you across the whole map without giving up =[
  12. soLch

    MERGED: Everything about DOGS

    Where is this post on dogs, to read what it's about? I can't find anythig....
  13. soLch

    Melee Weapon Petition

    May be a dumb idea considering its survival, but.... Reduce makrov dmg and make it unlimited ammo on that pistol only? If melee can't be implemented.
  14. I'm on my phone so I don't have my exact pc specs but they aren't bad. Gtx560 (non Ti) 8 gig ram Intel i5 (forgot) Windows 7 64 Basically my comp can run BF3 on all high very much playable. I've looked at all the other arma 2 tweaks on various sites but nothing seems to work =[ Now if I'm alone in a field, sure it runs smooth and playable, once I come across towns, I can hardly aim. And it's not that easy to hit a zombie dodging towards me lol. Any other help on how to fix the FPS drops =\ (please don't say anything like lower your settings, ive obviously tried that.) Thanks.
  15. soLch

    An idea?

    So I love this mod and I can't get enough of it! I have read some other posts about people saying, 'what do I do now?' In regular Arma II there are bases to be captured (via flag or so, i'm pretty new to Arma in general so maybe other methods) Is there any talks about making some of the rural areas 'bases' through out the continent with maybe more guns, food ect. giving other players incentive to squad up and venture off to take control of that little cottage in the woods, clearing out zombies then claiming that base as theirs. While another squad could be forming up to take back control. I notice most of the action is in Elektro or Chern*** (dunno the spelling) while there's an ENTIRE map to be explored. Just an idea from watching The Walking Dead. I myself too am saying okay, I have food I have guns/ammo what should I do now? and it usually ends up with me respawning and making a new character. Would be awesome to get like 3 guys and plan an attack route up north knowing there are other survivors (bandits) that claimed this little town and they are holding a whole bunch of food and weapons. Just an idea though, thanks again for this AWESOME mod!
  16. soLch

    An idea?

    I know what you mean by how it mite 'change' the game. I just think there should be some little side things to do to give a player an incentive to venture off to other parts of the map. I find myself playing near the coast next to chern and elektro only. But if there were more villages out in the middle of the map known to have more weapons, maybe more zombies in that area, players would HAVE to go there to collect, kind of like how the airfield is but it feels like its the ONLY known location, if that. Why not just cut the map in half, would that boost game performance?
  17. soLch

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes remove the bandit skin. If possible, let players choose their own skins. Weather it be civil, militia/bandit ect we are all survivors but we are all look like we were cloned as a Truman show experiment lol =P
  18. The increased number in zombies is excellent, it makes this really feel like a survival game now. I had a post that they should just be removed cause it felt like this was only player vs player.. Haha how dumb of me, not anymore! It's definitely a challenge. I agree 100% though on slowin them down and making their threat in large quantities rather than 5 of them running faster than you. Certain zombies yes faster but not all. Maybe some ravenous dogs! Anyway this is truly feeling like a survival test with the increased zombies, and being a bandit is a lot harder now hahaha
  19. I have played this game for about 3 days now, and pretty much have a full understanding of it (not that hard) This game is absolutely incredibly fun and addicting and I can't get enough of it. I have realized though that its more of a human vs human survival. The zombies have a little effect but not a big one (in my OWN opinion) ***Now again this is my OWN opinion*** Do you guys think this game would be more fun without the zombies? ability to create squads (actual squads, not just hey lets team up, but ability to identify one as a squad member with a certain skin/color) and start the survival against others. I understand it would defeat the purpose of a post apocalyptic world, maybe some servers dedicated to 0 zombies? It just seems, like stated above, that I am finding this game more of a human vs human survival with the zombies having little effect, and possibly boosting FPS if zombies were removed considering sometimes there's 500+ in a server. Now no need to flame the post with 'oh well if the zombies have no effect just ignore them' yes obviously.... Again my OWN opinion and I love this game regardless and will be continuing to play. I'll just be surviving by any means necessary :dodgy:
  20. I agree with you guys, more zombies would be good (hopefully they get patched soon and aren't so glitchy) but the thing is with 1000+ zombies doesn't that drastically drop FPS? someone pick this up for a stand alone game, k thnx.