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Everything posted by aiden2211@gmail.com

  1. aiden2211@gmail.com

    Operation Dogfight -- Private Servers

    damn shame, its tough to find servers where i feel at home on. was awesome while it lasted anyway :s
  2. aiden2211@gmail.com


    Server Name: LU222 (Your) Timezone: GMT (London) Date/Time: 19:50 Server Administrator('s): Clan [TNG] What happened: Server administrators kicking anyone that isn't in their own clan upon entering server/loading into game. Evidence/Proof: See attatched
  3. aiden2211@gmail.com

    Server De-sync Everywhere

    I appreciate that this is a mod in alpha stage, but right now, since the latest 1.7.2 patch, the mod has been pretty much unplayable for me and my friend. Every couple of minutes we both desync, either resulting in zombies glitching/jumping about, us running on the spot and even being killed a few times by other players. I too would appreciate any information regarding this issue.
  4. aiden2211@gmail.com


    Yeah, me and a friend have been experiencing the same thing, not sure whether its down to the latest patch, the game servers or something on our end. The mod is pretty much unplayable for me right now.
  5. aiden2211@gmail.com

    Lagg since yesterday.

    Yeah, me and a friend are playing together, have been for a week or so now. Since the latest patch (1.7.2) the game has been significantly worse for de-sync issues. Every few minutes we will have to just hide in a safe place and wait for it to pass. I'm pretty sure the lag/de-sync issues were not this bad pre 1.7.2.