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Everything posted by 6thpara

  1. 6thpara

    Can't join servers - No matter what.

    BUMP! I have had the same problem for 1 month now and I CANT PLAY! Please help FFS! I have reinstalled like 5 times, removed all the game files and loaded them again. WTF?! Last time i played i was stuck on "no mans land". I also tried to use RESPAWN button, I died, but it didnt help me at all... PLEASE HELP!
  2. It's not about the connection... I have 200M connection and this problem have been on my account for like 2 weeks now... I donnu what to do, waiting for FIX :)
  3. 6thpara

    Team up!

    Hello! I think there is more posts like this but i will still make a new one. So as you can see from the title, i want to get players to team up with each other. And first of all i am talking about me. I need some players who plays dayz as friendly and want to survive against zombies and bandits, take them out and enjoy the game. So post your steam account (maybe skype) for team up. I sick n tired to lone wolf style against lots of sniper campers and cold hearted players. Thnak you and enjoy the game!
  4. 6thpara

    Reserved Player Places for Clan Servers?

    Srsly thats horrible idea. Im sorry but its a fact. After a while there will be only big clans raiding each others servers and lonewolfs are just like pigs to hunt down... Sry man, no can do...
  5. His PC is just fine for this game, so stfu. I hate ppl like you...
  6. 6thpara

    ...da fuq?!

    Good day to you. So last night i was playing DayZ and got some gear, killed one guy, travelled to vybor and logged out in a barn. Everything was normally as usually, but the funny part is... Today when i logged in i found my self on elektro beach, with my gear, with my kills, with 0 days survived and i was like DAFUQ?! Anyone having a solution for this? By the way, this might give some more info. 1 server i was playing on at night crashed and vanished from serverlists, but i kept playing dayz in other server from same spot. Thank you all for reading this and thanks for any answers u post. :)
  7. 6thpara

    ...da fuq?!

    True that. I was just wonder if there was something i did wrong but quess not :D
  8. 6thpara

    Soldier Suit!

    I have 1 like that too, and havent get banned after 10 days so should not be a problem. I was thinking the same thing as u do now coz there was no soldier clothing in DayZWiki.
  9. Hello, and sorry about making a new topic about this subject. I just want to know, how is the bug repair going? I tried to look from other topics but all of them are saying different solutions. I just want to wear my gillie suit again and safely. Please report here every repair change about the suit bug and is it safe to wear it already? Thank you and sorry about the new topic one more time. :)
  10. Okey, thank you very much. Its nice to have such a good community in this game. Have a nice weekend in DayZ ;D