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About Ragdrazi

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Ragdrazi

    Sick of BANDITS

    Fair enough, Though my impression is that most survivors server hop for loot, where as most bandits server hop for a back of the head shot. But what I'm saying is that it does come down to DCing needing to be fixed. Because, if there was some kind of anti-Bandit patrol, and they were hunting down a bandit firing from cover, you know they'd probably hop out of there. You might not, but you have to know that most would.
  2. Ragdrazi

    Sick of BANDITS

    Right, and you'd ALT+F4 before anyone could drop hammer.
  3. Ragdrazi

    Sick of BANDITS

    Right. And that's when you and your group would kill them. Where are we getting confused.
  4. Do... Do I need to start a war specifically against those bandits who are going to war with survivors going to war against bandits?
  5. Ragdrazi

    Sick of BANDITS

    And, of course, that was just an example. There are clearly way more situations in which there are easily justified bandit kills.
  6. Ragdrazi

    Sick of BANDITS

    Unless, of course, you watch them kill someone else. I'm pretty sure the dude holding down the top of the building with the sniper rifle is fair game.
  7. Ragdrazi

    Sick of BANDITS

    Actually, the one thing this game is built around is "actions have consequences but not direct punishments." The trust no body... er, nobody, thing is something players have brought themselves. And if they want to unmake it, they could do that as well. To everyone who says players can't go out and target bandits, I say that's ridiculous. Players can do whatever they want. And this is absolutely true. Currently, the bandit population is only 17.9%, and that's higher then usual. Probably it being higher then usual is why we're seeing all these lets go kill bandit's threads.
  8. Ragdrazi

    War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

    Nothing except the lives of innocent players, which is, I believe, what the OP was upset about. I think the guy's method needs work, but everything's got to start somewhere. By the way, you're coming off like a real psycho. You should probably figure out what's wrong in your life before talking to other people. FYI.
  9. Ragdrazi

    War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

    Woah, woah, woah. Clearly the guy's intentions are good. And if you still cling to the idea that any of the things you "have" in the game are your's, you aren't playing right.
  10. Ragdrazi

    War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

    Sounds like my kind of party.
  11. Ragdrazi

    War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

    You can't fight against the game. If this guy wants to get together people to fight bandits then that becomes part of the game. As much of the game as the bandits themselves. What's the numbers behind that statement?
  12. Ragdrazi

    Truth Time Rockett

    Which is the best description of DayZ I've ever seen.
  13. Ragdrazi

    Truth Time Rockett

    Well, he doesn't want to talk to Rocket. He wants to talk to Rockett.
  14. Ragdrazi

    Cherno Noob-Sniping

    Maybe they haven't realized yet that everyone in this game gets their's eventually.
  15. Ragdrazi

    I play DayZ to Roleplay

    I think if it was a zombie apocalypse I'd be carrying any and everything that can spit out a metal projectile by means of a powder explosion.