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About TJMaxed

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Under Rocket's bed.
  • Interests
    Surviving Chernarus

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  • Bio
    "Every time someone fires an AS50, the angels stand and appluad."

    Steam account: iatethehoneybadger
    DayZ: TJMaxed
    Youtube: TJMaxed85
  1. Just wanted to say this to the mod creators, because I think they deserve it. I recently began playing DayZ again with the purchase of my new gaming computer, and not having played since the days of spawning with a flashlight, painkillers and a bandage, there were some surprises. I just would like to say that you guys are doing an awesome job making DayZ one of the funnest PC games I and many others have ever played, ever. Even if there are many bugs and other issues, you still are doing great work and I hope the standalone is an even better experience. Thanks!
  2. TJMaxed

    Will SA be modder friendly?

    I realize that this is a suggestion, but I think it is relevant enough. In the standalone, why not create a selection system at the main menu when you start the game? For instance, you could open the game, and have 2 different server selections. One tab (or whatever it becomes) could be for vanilla DayZ servers, while the other could be for modded servers. Just a thought.
  3. It's an exclusive term to DayZ. If thats not good enough for you then my next option is to tell you to quit-yer-bitchen.
  4. TJMaxed

    Public Chernarus servers. wtf.

    I'll give it a shot.
  5. Good. Im really getting sick of the scripters.
  6. How good of protection against hackers?
  7. I promised myself I wouldn't tell a soul of this story, but here goes. i was traveling along the highway at a distance in the forest, when I came across an innocent goat. He had lived a good life and had never harmed anything. But I shot him in cold blood. I then shut down my computer, sulked into the corner and cried in the fetal position for the remaining period of daylight. R.I.P. nameless goat.
  8. TJMaxed

    Public Chernarus servers. wtf.

    Prepare for a Bambi question. Are there any more vanilla servers that exist with lots of people but really good anti-hacking? I'd like to start making Dayz videos with lots of player interaction, but without hackers (obviously). Or is all hope for Chernarus lost?
  9. TJMaxed

    Base building in DayZ standalone

    exactly, that's what I was trying to get at.
  10. TJMaxed

    Are All "Hackers" Bad?

    This question shouldn't have even been asked. Hacking is changing the game for your own gain, and that's a guaranteed path to overpowering yourself. Even kindergartners know cheating is wrong...
  11. TJMaxed

    Base building in DayZ standalone

    Very good ideas, I agree with the first thread as well, he has a lot of good ideas that I would enjoy in-game.
  12. I had my 2 cents to put into the topic where Matt Lightfoot interviews Frankie (FRANKIEonPCin1080p) , but that post became locked because of spamming. So posting here is my next best option. In regards to Matt's response to the base building ideas, I think they should stay somewhat near the same to what they currently are. A couple new additions that would be cool are using closets/drawers to store items in. But we shouldn't give players the opportunity to create full houses that are taking up server space. Just barbed wire, tents, the usual defensive equipment and maybe the ability to drag pallets/stones/scrap metal into the appropriate blockade positions (i.e. the prison in The Walking Dead). Just keep it simple. Like walling up your favorite enter able house against Zeds. Not making miles of underground tunneling filled with (majestic) beans.
  13. My friends and I have recently began to play DayZ again and prefer Chicago area servers (keepin' the ping low) and if you seem friendly enough it would be nice to have a sniper added to our ranks. And if it is a trap, enjoy my beans!
  14. TJMaxed

    Zombies spawn

    or we just make it so that their body is around a minute or 2 after they alt-F4. This would also solve them leaving during a firefight.
  15. I'm just saying, its gonna happen eventually. I'll bet my beans on that.