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Everything posted by Pwnstarlol

  1. Pwnstarlol

    Possible hacking on US 5 (unrepentant)

    Don't put stuff in tents?
  2. Pwnstarlol

    Hacking in US 85.

    Please, you think they hack when their own members are killed and complain too? You're dumb as a sack of rocks.
  3. Hey There bro, hit me up. Got TS?
  4. Pwnstarlol

    Banned from US 85

    -1 for lack of logic. Before you call people out, do some research. You just make yourself seem like a brainless idiot who rages out on everything. Please, jump off a bridge so we can preserve what's left of the gene pool.
  5. Pwnstarlol

    Looking for serious minded players.

    I also added you.
  6. Pwnstarlol

    Looking for 'Legit' Bandit Crew

    I have just the group for you! Do you have Teamspeak by chance?