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About AllTheWhine

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  1. AllTheWhine

    population on the decline?

    I felt like this was the most exciting game since EQ in 1999 but the continuous problems have started to make me look deeper and not like what I see.
  2. I've noticed since I started having the artifact problems like a lot of people that the servers are 1/2 full as they use to be.... anyone else think people just aren't playing as much?
  3. AllTheWhine

    Tips for finding/repairing vehicles?

    Yeah been playing for about 3 weeks now. I've seen others in vehicles but never had one myself. Just keep looking! Look at the map and start thinking of places you would hide out and go search it out! Also you don't need a vehicle to get to NWAF just run. The chances of you getting shot on the way up there are very slim. Just stay in the treeline.
  4. so I place a tent........... what is the save tent feature for? I see a lot of tents with nothing in them including mine when i come back? is this a current bug? or something im doing wrong? also anyone notice the graphic bugs that have been happening from time to time last few days?
  5. so it's come to a point where I know how to play the game pretty well and need some advice what is the best method to finding a vehicle and crashed helicopter sites? I have the map but the vehicles are never there.
  6. AllTheWhine

    Amazing DayZ Video

    im currently trying to find that epic video of the dude hyperventilating while shooting 6 people in that Truck
  7. AllTheWhine

    [short video] Q&A mit Fritz ze Friendly Doctor

    indeed! Keep em coming Fritzie!
  8. AllTheWhine

    Just another normal day in Elektro...

    wtf a plane?
  9. AllTheWhine

    Hillarious DayZ video..GET OUTTA MY TRACTOR

    im a newb but from watching videos you must put in different parts like engine parts to make your vehicles stronger otherwise the first time you hit something its gonna go boom!
  10. Any Servers out there that don't allow server hoping? That save and allow that saved toon to come back? I'm assuming people log onto servers that are empty and go get all the best loots and then log back into a populated one... so was curious if anyone has anything set up to combat this.
  11. AllTheWhine

    The Amazing Hatchet!!!!

    how many slots does a gun take in your pack?
  12. AllTheWhine

    Not so Enjoyable.

    also there is a detailed map on DAY Z Database. That will help you the most. Knowing where you are and where to find the best loot. Barns, Deerstands, etc.... Like tonight I realized that Helicopter crashes on the map actually have gear they aren't just a spot where you can repair a helicopter. But all in all I see what your saying ...I'm having a blast but after hour 8 last night I started wondering what is this all for? Find some friends! or become a bandit! This games takes lots of patience which = a large amount of time! I like it the most because it is soooo challenging.
  13. AllTheWhine

    The Amazing Hatchet!!!!

    so I'm a newbie.... I've gotten some nice guns so far but I really like using the Hatchet! its quiet and does the job without me missing 4-5 times with a rifle. My question is there anyway to have a rifle on your person and still use the Hatchet??? Switch between them?
  14. AllTheWhine

    DayZ v1.7.2.3

    Im reinstalling as I write this...........I admit I did some youtube install shit.........six launcher was the last thing I ever did........but I did get in for about 4 hours last night and had a blast. I hope this helps me. Thanks