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About mistermenphis22

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  1. Get a mic bro. Trust me, when you are in the heat of the moment, you will not notice chat. I record gameplay, and you will not believe how mcu stuff i miss in the chat. One time playing lingor island, with global chat enabled, we saw a guys, broke his legs, and took him hostage. After i rewatched the gameplay and noticed that he repeatedly typed friendly in the chat. I was so focused on not being killed that i shot him.If you probably talked to people, they might actually respond. Also chances are if you are armed people will shoot you one sight. Its a little rule of mine. Its kill or be killed.
  2. mistermenphis22

    5th element server warning

    took that down and blew up the bridge xD
  3. mistermenphis22

    5th element server warning

    Yea that V3S was stuck there after i tried to power slide itxD.yea actually we we gonna take the guy on the bike hostage, buutttt he had a bike, and i forgot who, but someone killed him. We were just gonna have some "fun time" and the gear him up since we have so much gear. So they killed him an soon after he came back and yelled "ima kill you motherfuckers" and well he died. and kinda feel bad for the guy, but come back
  4. mistermenphis22

    US 272 Hacker

    From experience, i can tell you that most of these "kill everyone on server hackers" come from youtube, or are referenced from there an expect and easy game. Once they buy the game, they usually get killed or just suck at the game. Therefore they use scripts to ruin everyone elses experience. Pointless to forum post about it, since it happens on almost every server, and the only thing that can stop them are server admins, which isnt exactly an easy job.
  5. mistermenphis22

    It's Raining, It's Pouring! - You better watch out!

    Aha same thing happened to us. These hackers copy youtube videos and streams -_-. So this kid joined our server, destroyed our vehicles, gave us rides and then killed us.So my whole clan decided to cuss this kid out. (no admins on at the time) He was only like 15, and, well since we couldnt just cuss him out (he would have come back) we got his address, his telephone number, his facebook, his ip address, his skype and his youtube. Well after that he got scared spawned us in the Thunder Dome, and said "there guys take whatever you wanted." But we procceded to still cuss him out, for you kno playing like a bitch. and well he left the server and hasnt been back since. BTW he never changed his name, (tracking him using dayz commander) and he hasnt been to our server since.
  6. mistermenphis22

    Low frames GTX 580

    UPDATE Just ran skyrim and seems to be an elsewhere problem. NVM IGNORE
  7. mistermenphis22

    Low frames GTX 580

    I dont know if there is a problem with the game because im pretty sure my video card is fine. I have a gtx 580 amp edition from zotac, factory overclocked and twice i have gotten the game in high 10 low 20 frames. On the lowest settings possible i get 30 frames a second. This happened after loading today and also happened yesterday but seemed to go away. Otherwise on very high the lowest ill go is 40, and average around 70, Is this a known bug. I also have a i5 2500k, im pretty sure its just this game since in skyrim i never dip below 60 fps.HELP
  8. Hey man its kevin again, Mmmm i think we should go to loot runs in groups of 2-4 because more than that is really hard to keep track off. Then once we get good stuff we can meet up and party :D
  9. mistermenphis22

    DayZ Stories

    Yesterday, i was trying to meet up with my group when i encountered a newb. He was on his very first life, and i was like meh and didnt kill him. (kill players with guns on sight, if not team up). So i showed in some loot spots, we both had hatchets, and we looted a winchester which i gave to him since he posed no treat. Then we went to Cherno crepping up slowly when suddenly i found a guy with a gun sneaking around, I was positive this guy was a bandit. But heres the thing, this newb wasnt on teamspeak, he had a mic but we were talking through the group line. I told the newb "we must kill this guy" and then i procceded to hatchet the bandit once or twice and screamed "shoot him, shoot him" Of course the bandit could probably hear us through the group line and he then procceded to panick. I was killed by the "bandit" and the newb killed the gun with his winchester. I gave the newb his first taste of blood in this cold desolate place!^_^
  10. mistermenphis22

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    I don't see what your complaining about. People keep wanting to make changes to the game, but its perfectly fine. Trying to balance the game ruins the game. There is a learning curve, there are asshole bandits, there are a few friendlys, there is the joy of playing with friends, and if you lose it all there is always the thrill of starting all over again, to fix what went wrong or you take revenge. Thats the trill of the game. Its so simple but yet to fun, and if you keep complaining then fine no one really cares if you leave so farewell.
  11. mistermenphis22

    will it run on my pc?

    You can probably runn it but on the lowest resolution and settings possible, just download arma 2 free and test it out. I was having some issues with a gtx 580 dipping lower than 20 frames on highest settings so, its and old game but seems to be pretty demanding or not well optimized for my video card/
  12. mistermenphis22

    Arma 2 + OA Demo possible?

    You can use Arma 2 free and buy operation arrowhead. I bought it for 12.49$ Totally worth it .
  13. mistermenphis22


    Do you have both arma 2 and operation arrowhead. Separate games, but come toghether in combined operations
  14. mistermenphis22

    Loner looking for a buddy!

    hey man in looking for a bud too. I play on US west coast servers. PM if interested