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Fooz (DayZ)

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46 Good

About Fooz (DayZ)

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  1. I have been on this server since almost day 1 (over a month now I think) and I can honestly say it is the most fun I have had playing this game in a long time. The support from guidez is awesome, keeping it all fair and running smoothly, the community is great, it is very well organised and the connection is great, I play from the UK and average about 150 ping, but there is literally no lag. Also there is a variety of players, some friendly, some openly hostile, some cautious (only attack if they get shot at) etc which makes for some awesome situations. For $5 I would say it is certainly worth it. At least until the standalone comes out, even then if Guidez hosts a server I will most likely sign up for it. -Dan Gleeballs
  2. This Bad Boy Scout is moaning about nothing, you could see on the leaderboards that he had crashed the heli, he had already died, what the admin did was fine, it didn't give away location or anything, this guy is just mad for some reason
  3. Fooz (DayZ)

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    Who cares if it is hacked in? He didn't hack it in, it doesn't give him an advantage except maybe a little camo, it looks cool. And to people saying they would kill him because they think he is a hacker, people kill people in this game no matter what they are wearing so who cares?
  4. I dunna how they could work this in, but there should be an anti hero skin for people that kill bandits, so maybe if you have no murders but have say 5+ bandit kills, you get the anti hero skin?
  5. Fooz (DayZ)

    The DayZ Player Type Guide:

    This was really good. InB4 grammar and spelling mistakes
  6. you should be proud man, 100+ zombie kills with only 1 murder, and you have all that great gear which would make people want to go survivor hunting. Personally I would go around bandit hunting with that kinda gear.
  7. erm, it is kinda annoying when people hide your body, but you can't be blamed for doing it if you are doing it to a guy that just killed you
  8. Fooz (DayZ)

    Hero Skin -- Taking Less Damage?

    Your picture and that post together are genius, if you intended it good job, if you didn't, good job
  9. Now I was 50/50 on posting this because I figured it's such a simple solution that if it was possible they would have already done it, but I thought I might as well ask if anyone, maybe even one of the devs knows if this is possible, because they don't add anything at all to the game except graphic issues. The only reasons it hasn't been done I can think of are: 1. It isn't possible for some reason 2. It would require everyone to re-download the map (Which I would do, but I can understand people having an issue with this) 3. Least likely option - They have not thought of it, I highly doubt this but if they haven't then this could be a potential fix So yeah, why don't they remove the bodies and fix the graphic bugs?
  10. That was intense man Good Video I thought I recognised the voice, then I saw your name and was like it's WaldoDude from Xcals videos!
  11. Fooz (DayZ)

    AS50 or M14 aim

    AS-50 is obviously very loud, which kind of puts me off it. if you are going to be a bandit in the hills sniping people I would go AS-50, for general use I would go for the M14 Aim. Personally I would go bandit hunting in Dobrry and Visota using the L85 AWS to find the camping douchers and the M14 to kill them.
  12. Fooz (DayZ)

    Elektro hill is super fun!

    I was doing this for the first time last night, it is fun, I killed a guy with an SVD camo with nothing but my axe, his friend killed me straight after though which sucked
  13. Fooz (DayZ)

    Better inspect bodies!

    yeah it would be cool because if it said "Dead for roughly 1 minute from an AS-50 round" you would know to run the jeff away
  14. Fooz (DayZ)

    [Video] UK 22 (SAS Clan) Hacker

    Cheers man, gotta rise up against dem hackers
  15. Fooz (DayZ)

    DayZ Commander Update Problem

    worked for me, thanks for fixing it so quick man