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About mullen1200@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mullen1200@hotmail.com


    guy named "tim" went invis. only way I know is i could tell he had just climbed to the top of the roof I was on in cherno. He goes "Oh , so your the guy who killed me. I wanted to find out. I rolled and he missed his first 2-3 shots and I think I hit him, but either way I was dead, and he was definetely firing from right in front of me (surround headphones, no music, just effects). Anyways its usually hard to tell if a person was really invisible or whether you just didn't see him, but in this case I'm convinced.
  2. mullen1200@hotmail.com

    Why You Should Turn Shadows Off When Playing DayZ

    If you have no shadows its no stress on the cpu.
  3. mullen1200@hotmail.com

    Why You Should Turn Shadows Off When Playing DayZ

    Id rather not make it look any more like minecraft.
  4. mullen1200@hotmail.com

    I hit the mother load...then bam

    Ofcourse not. Its the act of disconnecting to avoid being killed by zombies/players, or to get easy access to lots of loot after you travel to a good location.
  5. mullen1200@hotmail.com

    Invisible with ghillie suit glitch - please hotfix...

    I think it just comes down to priority. Bottom line (in my eyes anyways) is that the more time this happens on a daily basis, the more people that are not going to continue playing. It might not matter to the players, but some bugs certainly need to be fixed before others. I would say this qualifies for top of the list.
  6. mullen1200@hotmail.com

    Invisible with ghillie suit glitch - please hotfix...

    Hop on the hate bandwagon. I guess everyone is pissed at the " there is no point playing until it's fixed" bit I think he handled his post in a far more mature fashion then I see with the majority of the community. The replies arent too bad in this thread, Its only my 2nd post here and I'm already over all the people saying "get over it" you lose items etc blah blah. You might as well not post if thats all your going to say. Sure he could have just added it to the bug list. I dont see any reason to act like children because he started a discussion about a particularly annoying bug.
  7. mullen1200@hotmail.com

    WTF, Atlanta 18?

    SAME SERVER, Atlanta 18 The same thing just happened to me and my buddy. Been playing for nearly 4 hours and we lost 1 ak/revolver with tons of ammo for each, a truck with full fuel and 2 jerry cans, most of the tools we need blah blah, server crashes and we lost it all. The main server didnt save anything. I respawend in the "wilderness" with the new character items only. Wont say I wasnt pissed for a while. But thats the way it goes sometimes, just hope they dont take too long to fix it.