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About mrburks

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. mrburks

    Looking for Group

    You haven't set up your Steam profile. Nobody can add you as a friend. :(
  2. mrburks

    Shoot On Sight Recruiting

    I just sent you a request via Steam and Skype. Check them out man. ;)
  3. This is not just for US players... Please move this to a specified area if needed/felt. I know I am new to this forum, but I have been playing this game for quite a while now. I've decided to put up a steam group profile page that allows users to join and connect together while they're online on the Steam Gaming community to talk and maybe meet up somewhere in the game. I am not advertising anything here. I am solely here to promote the game's elements of cooperative play with others, and help people get across the conflict of surviving alone. To be honest, it gets quite boring when you have no one to play with, and really is a challenge to try and survive alone in this 225 square kilometer map of Chernarus. I would currently say that it seems to be growing, considering I just started the group about 20 minutes ago at 3:00 AM EST and already has 7 members. Not a lot, but a start I guess... Plus it's 3 AM. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DZ_G Thanks to anyone that took time to read this thread. Let me know your thoughts; whether I'm an idiot, I'm stupid, a user, a poser, or anything you believe. I accept anything before I put my opinion first. Thanks to the DayZ Community.