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About Mantis4542

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mantis4542

    No Weapons Spawning

    Im in no doubt the game is spawning loot. If i understand the loot mechanic it spawns to a player within so many meters and doesnt get despawned untill someones comes and picks it up or the server gets reset. What i was trying to say is that whilst loot is spawning to other players, it is not doing so for me. Mezeberelk - It only seems weapons that i cant find, everything else i find plenty of. Ive also tried many different servers and traveled well away from my starting position
  2. Mantis4542

    No Weapons Spawning

    Ive played for around 30+ hours this week and not found anything :(. The only reason i kept going was because I believed it was just bad luck and things will get better. One of my first games i played I found a body which led to a massive fire fight. It was so tense and exciting it left me wanting more but feel like i cant participate atm
  3. Hey guys, Started playing DayZ about a week ago for a fair few hours a day. Since starting i have found absolutely zero weapons apart from on the very rare chance i find a dead body. I look in stations, supermarkets, offices, pubs, barns, deer stands, airfields and barracks. I've tried dumping all the trash at another location to force new loot and ive tried on low pop servers. Most of my time is spent in elektro but nothing seems to work. Im at the point of giving up now as after watching vids on youtube its led me to believe that there is something wrong with my version of the game. Could anyone offer any advice as to whether there is something i could be doing wrong, a known bug or whether im going to have to find random people to team up with so i can use the loot that spawns on them. Thanks