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Bamboo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Bamboo (DayZ)

  1. Bamboo (DayZ)

    us 493 PBX announcement

    Today at Approximately 11:30 pm EST i heard from my friends that yall in the 82nd Airborne clan raided our little island encampment. /slowclap. i log in see someone on the island running around i take a gun and some ammo and go lookin for my love, and there she was sittin so lonely on that island. you cannot negotiate this here is the last photo you shall see of her, happy swimming ALLAH HU AKBAR
  2. Bamboo (DayZ)

    us 493 PBX announcement

    us 439 sorry im dyslexic
  3. Just curious btw but why did we change server names? Not mad just got us a bit confused till i realized my only favorited server on six launcher was now 439 lol
  4. alex spike and taco burrito are not in the "clan" we just have large group who love to play here and will be very sad if it gets closed down :(