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Pander Beers

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About Pander Beers

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Location
    Dallas, TX
  • Interests
    (V);..;(V) woopwoopwoopwoop

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  1. Pander Beers

    Admin Abuse US 888

    Hey everyone - I'm the GM of Æos - the guild that runs this server. I haven't been on DayZ in about a month, but one of my members directed me to this thread. I'm going to talk to the admin of the server and find out what happened. Unless there is a legitimate reason (e.g. hacking script found in the logs) - I will immediately revert the bans. With regards to Alt-F4, I'm pretty disappointed that anyone in my guild would use that to avoid getting killed by another player who deserved the kill/gear. I've made it clear that's not tolerated in our guild, and I will be looking into that on my own. The current issue though, is the ban for alleged hacking. Thank you to the streamer for playing on our server and getting this video. Sorry for the pain in the ass. Edit: Please send me a private message with the names of the player(s) who were banned in this instance.
  2. Pander Beers

    Æos: Multi-gaming Guild

    lol no problem Vermilion We've got our own server on US 888
  3. Pander Beers

    Battleye Client kicked me?

    Was anyone on US 888? That's my server and one of my guys said the BE message "exception caught" spammed the chat before kicking everyone. Seems the server let everyone back in fine though.
  4. So I'm kind of a noob server admin, but I think I made the right decision. There was a hacker on our server, but we're not sure who it was. One of our guys came across a spawned helicopter in Solnichny shooting up the town. He hadn't done much else at that point, no nukes at least, not sure about messing with players... and hopefully he had only just got to the server so he hadn't done much. A moment later, I took the server down, hoping to prevent him from killing any/all of the players on the server. The question is... what do I do from here? I'm not sure how to go open the logs - we use Host Altitude, and I put a ticket in to ask assistance. I spent a few hours yesterday trying to teach myself how to get into the logs and read them, but to no avail. We don't have tags on, and I'm not sure what the guy's name was - we were a full 40/40 server.
  5. Zombies have 1/3 the health of a player - they're so squishy :3
  6. Pander Beers

    Survivor Point on Map??

    Determined by server settings. In general, Regular and Recruit servers try to give more aids to the players (such as free GPS in the form of map markers). Veteran and Hardcore servers try to strip the game down to it's rawest form (removing 3rd person, removing crosshairs). There's a lot of different settings, but you can choose a server you like based on that Recruit -> Regular -> Veteran -> Hardcore/Mercenary
  7. Pander Beers

    Got killed...now spawning is even difficult

    The timer is moving, just slowly. It takes 5 minutes
  8. Pander Beers

    US 27 Chicago 21 is going offline.

    :'( just kidding lol you're getting yourself so worked up - reading your post was as abrasive to my eyes as it was to my mind.
  9. Pander Beers

    Unconscious for 2 hours.

    You need to sit there and wait out the whole 5 minute timer. It's because you disconnected while you were in shock.
  10. Pander Beers

    A cool way to lose 2 M107s and an m249 saw

    :'( lol just kidding
  11. Here's my original thread -> http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31716-%C3%A6os-multi-gaming-guild/ Basically, we're good on numbers, but if there are any prior or active military gamers out there, feel free to send me a private message. Even if you don't want to game with us, we can probably help get you on your feet. Probably half our squad is prior/active and we try to keep some basic military organization/tactics without getting brutal.
  12. Pander Beers

    Is this server host legit?

    They're the guys I use for my guild's Mumble server. It's really ridiculously cheap. Understand that you're going to have some issues, most likely. However, they are legit. Our Mumble server lags out maybe once a week for a few minutes, it could be due to some maintenance or something along those lines. However, besides that, it's very solid. Just google around and see what other people say about their gaming servers - BF3 and Minecraft, that kind of thing
  13. Pander Beers

    What if everyone started with a tent?

    I am going out on a limb here assuming that the reason why our starting inventory is so sparse is because when you respawn, you're simulating a new survivor showing up on the shores of Chernarus, with only a few scraps of whatever life they had before in their pockets. Oh, and a giant. ass. tent. Although, to be fair, it would be pretty hilarious to respawn, look around, and see just a sea of tents on the beaches and the hills around the coast. Not all the time, but maybe once.
  14. Look up information regarding Rocket's underground bases. He has a great Q&A session at Rezzed where he talks about how he's considering instanced underground construction. For example, no matter what server you're on up above, when you go into your base, you're in your base. Look up more about it and you should watch the video
  15. Pander Beers

    Using a controller

    Don't be discouraged from asking for help on the forums, EmmyMsAngel. The community here is actually fantastic. It's just a very small minority that are herp-derps. For example, look at how many totally random, different people tried to help you.