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About Malevolence

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Las Vegas, NV
  • Interests
    Tactical Gaming and scavenging for beans.
  1. Malevolence

    New option for loot locations

    Aggro a herd, run into building, gun them down, loot, and repeat. Making Zombies a farming activity would ruin the mod.
  2. Malevolence

    Got attacked by the Predator

    Invisible my ass, you just didn't see him and bounced the fuck out because he got the drop on you.
  3. Malevolence

    DayZ Sniping story in Elektro.

    Go up to Stary and try that.
  4. Malevolence

    Stary Sobor a waste of time?

    Last server I was on the Deer Stand near Stary had a sniper in it camping a tent in the middle of one of the open fields.
  5. Malevolence

    Cherno Noob-Sniping

    Killing newly spawned players why? So you can get the bandage they have lol waste of time.
  6. Interested in the group if your still recruiting, 1. How much experience do you have? Just over week, I learn quickly and have a tactical mindset. 2. Where are you from? Las Vegas NV 3. Age? 33 4. Do you have a mic? yes
  7. Malevolence

    Protips that will help you survive longer

    Never been shot at in Stary but Im careful when I approach. I tend to watch the area for 10 to 15 minutes for activity before entering and when I do its always from the fastest direction to go in loot and go out the way I came in. Now Cherno and Elktro those are noob death traps. Personally I make runs along loot rich interior roads never stop long enough to engage someone and if i do I tend to beat it before they see me. Bandits have taken plenty of pot shots at me but running at a sprint zig zag through the forests is usually enough to get away. I have found many bandits to be lazy as shit preferring ambush tactics to active hunting. I would suggest always keep on the move never stay in a loot spot more than a few minutes and always scout your loot spot before hand. Best pro tip to live by is be paranoid and always assume a sniper has you in sights.
  8. Malevolence

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    There is a certian kind of terror unique to the "walking" or "shambling" kind. On the surface one or two seem harmless or pathetic then as you find yourself scavaging in a city or town, slowly you find yourself with a group closing in steadily. Soon you realize as you have made noise while foraging that some of your routes are now choked by them. Its now you realize you are surrounded your shots must be exact and you have to move now! Nothing better than impending doom even if its not the intial burst of adrenaline that a pack of runners has its still can be deadly if not more so. I would also love to see the idea of a "herd" like the walking dead gave us a wall of walkers that could be encountered anywhere on the map and when you least expect it. With these zombies the poetential to becoming trapped inside a building is real and can be a deadly consequence for the slow or unprepared survivor. I can imagine you and your groups camp youve set up deep in the woods being overun as you least expect it as you and your group must flee in order to survive. I think there is huge potential for this style Zombie. I also think a survivor that dies returning as a npc zombie would also be interesting factor.