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Everything posted by Outypoo

  1. Outypoo

    Stay away from these guys

    Nah they're running around in a chopper, and read the rules prick.
  2. Outypoo

    Stay away from these guys

    I do, I also remember you missing about 5 shots at me, and it was about 5 people against 4 in a truck? Yea, badman you are...
  3. Outypoo

    Stay away from these guys

    Funniest part is you think you can ban me for this, while I have the chat logged and ready to use against you.
  4. Outypoo

    Stay away from these guys

    Gee, seriously I fucked you over when you shot at me before so go exclaim to someone who gives a fuck about how much of a marksman you are.
  5. Outypoo

    Stay away from these guys

    Yea, but when someone has a chance to blow you to shit with an AS50, and doesn't take it? Sure, evil. And you dick around but If you just said, "Yea we killed you, be weary next time" Instead of picking me up again when I had nothing and doing it again? Dickheads plain and simple.
  6. Outypoo

    Stay away from these guys

    And sorry it's not Heroes any more it's [uKHC]
  7. Outypoo

    Stay away from these guys

    Yep, and know the full story? I've been shot by you guys alot of times, and shot you only twice.
  8. Outypoo

    Stay away from these guys

    Ha. with fals and others? Sure.
  9. Outypoo

    Stay away from these guys

    I know where your base is guys, be weary ;)
  10. Outypoo

    Need Ghillie suit

    I don't mind, would you trade it?
  11. Outypoo


    I just killed someone called [PB] BANE...
  12. Outypoo

    Need Ghillie suit

    If you have a SVD Camo I could trade.
  13. I'm playing atm, so sure but where we meeting?
  14. It says right there, NVG and/or Ghillie. Both is if you give another thing extra.
  15. Maybe for the M249. what are the circumstances? And I have NVG & Ghillie, so pick one/both.
  16. Outypoo

    Does Alt-F4 = a Global Ban?

    No, it's an exploit and as Rocket said, exploits are actually allowed. You're alpha testing, not exploiting.
  17. Outypoo

    Take out .50 cals

    Yea while we're at it we might just get rid of Pistols too.
  18. Outypoo

    Can My PC Run it?

    The GTX 55* series is a flop, get a 560 ti or 460/6850.
  19. Outypoo


    I managed to kill about 3 and we didn't have a Ural from the start, just saw it and chased it from Balota.
  20. Outypoo


    I have 4 vehicles on LU180, never seen you guys only seen a ural which I pursued and was ambushed :D
  21. Looking for a SVD Camo and will trade L85 and/or Ghillie.
  22. So basically, "I don't want to die alone so he needs to die aswell", that's stupid.