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Everything posted by Outypoo

  1. Outypoo

    What FPS would I be looking at?

    Well the 4100 is a dual core, with 4 threads. So Intel would work best, or atleast a Phenom.
  2. Outypoo

    What FPS would I be looking at?

    High? 30+ Can't tell for sure though since you only list AMD X4, which can be anything. Arma is very processor Heavy. EDIT: Ninja'd
  3. The {Heroes} clan working on UK666 are so decieving, stating that they are friendly but aren't what they seem. Joining them after killing one of their guys and we all run good, then they start getting shady. Then when they get a chopper they let me in, drop off at dock and shoot me.. *Accident* Now I go again with them, drop off again and raid a base and what do you know? Shot, again. Just don't go near them, they are pathetic and even try to cover up what blatantly is an attack.
  4. Outypoo

    Stay away from these guys

    Well their server has changed names.
  5. Penis. I can haz beenz?
  6. I like to hide in the pub in cherno/Elektro and look out the window in 3rd person, when I see someone I act like a bitch on crack, I like the idea of watching someone without them seeing me(Insert pedo comment here)
  7. Outypoo

    Anyone else stalk people?

    Obviously, that's the only way right?
  8. Outypoo

    Things that should reduce banditing

    A .50 will blow a chunk into a wall, so really what you should be doing is making them environmentally damaging so people can't hide in that goddamn building all the time. And on topic: 1. No 2. No 3. No 4/5. No 6. Take a guess, no.
  9. Outypoo

    Trading SVD Camo for M24

    I have an M24 with something like 40 mags.
  10. Outypoo

    Would This Computer Run DayZ Smoothly

    Don't get an Alienware, the first one was fine.
  11. Outypoo

    Some Guy Out There Is Pissed

    He'd join back.
  12. Outypoo

    Some Guy Out There Is Pissed

    He would have, he could just join a different server and go into the station.
  13. Outypoo

    Custom skins ban able or not?

    I know, I'm stating that any item of clothing isn't bannable. Face paint or not face paint.
  14. I need FN FAL mags, got a few SVD mags w/ an SVD Camo if the deal is good enough.
  15. Outypoo

    Custom skins ban able or not?

    Look it up, battleye only ban for scripts and stuff that hurt the game, a bit of face paint won't hurt.
  16. Outypoo

    Hive Down?

    Is it fixed? Cus I just got into a server right now.
  17. Outypoo

    Custom skins ban able or not?

    No, only admins may have a problem. Skins aren't a bannable offence to battleye, I'm sporting soldier skin right now.
  18. Outypoo

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Well, I have a heli If that could help the cause? :D
  19. So, after logging out with 450 humanity, I log back in and BAM -102k humanity, I don't get how that could happen but the only thing that pisses me off about this is I won't have a chance against people who believe I'm a bandit, since they will shoot on site when I try to be friendly.
  20. So, there's a heli on skalisty island which needs 6 scrap for ATRQ, and Instruments. DE319, go get it! If you do get it, please post on here that you did so others wont find an empty spot. EDIT:: DE319, not 139.
  21. Outypoo


    I know, I have one already so I'm just telling people where to get one.
  22. Outypoo

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    I'm a trusted tradesman, and a regulator so I'll have a group myself, not on our server though since my friends chopper is his life. :D
  23. Outypoo

    Best Weapon Combo

    Depends, if you're alone you should stick to long range fighting so something like: Primary: AS50/DMR/M107 Secondary:G17/M1911(Nerfed alot though)