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Everything posted by Outypoo

  1. Name: Outypoo Age: 16 Skype: taylerboi Why you'd like to be in the six: I consider myself quite amusing at times, and I like to meet up with other players. Leading a group of 7 others I know how to react in team circumstances. Story: I was in a warehouse with my CZ 550, then having been shot at by a group of 7 I returned fire, 5 I took down and the other 2 stormed me killing me. 've been looking for a team ever sinceI
  2. Outypoo

    Outcasts Group

    Typo, only realised when you pointed it out so thanks.
  3. Me & a bunch of others (7 in total) own a small group called the Outcasts, based in US 588, add me on skype: taylerboi
  4. Outypoo

    Looking for partner(s)

    Sure, add me on skype "taylerboi"