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Everything posted by alisuarnota

  1. alisuarnota

    Day Z Videos

  2. Hello! First of all, Gamerties is actually GamerTies. Yes, Gamer+Ties. Our YouTube channel ( http://www.youtube.c...s?feature=guide ) is a three man channel. We are not the most popular kids in our schools, we are not british boys, we are just some regular dudes, each one with his own talent and we figured out we could make something interesting together. Sami does music for our channel, he also did the YouTube background. So he`s the sound guy. :) Tatu is a badass making intros in Cinema 4D and Adobe After Effects. He did our channel intro. And me, Laurentiu, with the ideas. tehnical stuff and the past experience of a decent community of subscribers. Anyways, we reached 50 subscribers, or as we like to call them, ties, in under a week and we are very excited. So watch our first DayZ episode in celebration of reaching the milestone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wktt-qT_54w&feature=g-upl P.S: Liking and commenting is really appreciated and helps us alot.
  3. Me and my buddy were playing DayZ, looting the medical station. We were on top and I was like: Let`s go now, but my buddy wanted to take a quick look on the small tower, and guess what, he found a ghille suit! Enjoy the video below and please don`t subscribe or Slenderman will rape you! What? You can kill Slenderman? Oh..I dare you! http://youtu.be/jduF4-Uf-ks
  4. alisuarnota

    [VIDEP] DayZ Day 1-My buddy finds a ghille suit!

    Opp, wtf, the title has a few misspels..I was pretty sure I typed them right...
  5. So you think you are a survivor, huh? You feel badass being a bandit, hiding and being an opportunistic hunter? You think you are tough? :facepalm: Then you have to check my channel out! At http://www.youtube.c...r?feature=guide , or...are you...AFRAID? :murder: No? Good! Because my channel has loads of scary games. Amnesia, DayZ, Minecraft( wait..what?) and an interesting scary puzzle solving game called Forget Me Not Anni(really must-play game, I just finished a Let`s Play series of it today-for link, watch my first video of it). A random person would say, well, you will join the best gamers club and plus you gonna have a good laugh with my Amnesia Let`s Play episodes. :) Have you not subscribed yet?? What if I tell you everyone of you who subscribes gets a tasty can of :beans: ? I`m not kidding, post here with your YouTube username and if you subscribed, you get yours! Still want more? Then take a better look at my channel, see the "Specials" playlist? Wondering what goes in there? Let`s just say my last partnership was with RaiderZ-Europe and everyone got a key! B) I don`t think I`m allowed to post other videos that DayZ in here, but just go on my channel. I dare you! Ok, stopping with all this nonsense :). But seriously now, check out my channel, just take a look. If you don`t like it, it`s ok, just keep in mind that if you have any suggestion I would love to hear it! And if you do like my videos and subscribe, then you made a really good choice! :thumbsup:
  6. Oh and yes, I`m going to have another RaiderZ-Europe giveaway soon if anyone is interested. ;) If not, then wait, I will have giveaways for tons of games.
  7. Thats great news but WTF???? I bought Arma 2 Combined Operations just for this, they said they gonna keep updating this btu I am 100 percent sure they are not going to do that! In the best case they will just hire some random kids found on the street to keep updating this mod! Unfair!
  8. Hello survivors! Another episode from the Let`s Play DayZ series! Still cooping with my friend, Jannik. In this episode we mostly loot, but my buddy finds his favourite weapon, the Winchester! http://youtu.be/c9-Gd92J5LY Subscribing would help out alot, also, if this DayZ episode seems too boring for you, I would reccommand watching my Amnesia episodes, thats what I call adrenaline! Here is my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/gamerlaur
  9. Hey, it`s gamerlaur again, with a new Let`s Play DayZ episode in which I finally found a true friend. The following episodes won`t feature this old, unexperienced survivor. It`s going to be me and Jannik, my friend, with two months of experience which really improved my DayZ experience and fun. So please subscribe, it really helps! And enjoy the video: http://youtu.be/NfkuJRr4n1k
  10. alisuarnota

    [VIDEO] DayZ coop with a friend-"SO MANY COWS"

    Any thoughts? :D
  11. Omg guys, you won`t believe what I`ve been trough this DayZ playing session!!! I started DayZ as usual, and since I also started a Let`s Play DayZ series on my channel here (please subscribe :D) I thought that I should leave fraps running on the background in case something interesting happens so that I could use it as a new DayZ episode, and guess what, I was blown away by what happened, I couldn`t even image of something like this. So please be patient and listen to the intro as I explain a bit about what happened, then, you can enjoy the awesomeness of my experience today, I`m still pumped. http://youtu.be/QRWlUXE3gtU Enjoy and please subscribe if you liked it! I`m telling you, you don`t want to miss this kind of videos anymore. :) Sorry if it`s laggy or freezes, I had stuff running on the background.
  12. Yeah, I didn`t even noticed him untill he took off. Then, while re-watching the recording, I was like: Wtf, it was there form the begging, they are the one who probably crashed the other one. I was like really pumped, I could hear sniper shots and bullets hitting near by and I was standing in the middle of the street.
  13. alisuarnota

    Ready for Dogs in Day - Z?

    I would really love a dog even is the only thing he would do is follow me. I would just feel better in those creepy nights.
  14. Really? I don`t know any air-transportation vehicle names since I haven`t really played ARMA 2 properly, I am just one of those guys who bought it for the DayZ mod. :)
  15. alisuarnota

    customisable clothing for dayZ

    That would really be cool and probably add the uniqueness touch that many of us feel the need for, you gotta build yourself and image bro. But very much I am afraid that if this gets into the game, hopefully, it will be a little bit of extra to pay for. It would really be, I don`t know...You could, let`s say, pay 3 bucks or whatever to get a unique skin and have it always on you even if you die. That could be nice.
  16. alisuarnota

    Beginning of beta?

    Interesting. Just when I started my Let`s Play DayZ series...Ehh, I would have died anyway... http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9C188FC56E8FA54C&feature=plcp
  17. Hey survivors and bandits! :) So I was starting to finally do pretty well in DayZ, had loads of bandages, freaking beans and sardines and a makarov with 4 mags, 2 soda cans and 1 water bottle and some raw meat...hmmm, what else? matches, toolbox, watch and compass. :( Anyway, to make it short and give you a reason to subscribe my youtube channel, this is what happened in a matter of few minutes before I started making this first episode of the lets play series: I found a big structure which looked like an unfinished construction site, scavanged pretty much nothing as there were only car parts. Night arrived shortly and I decided to move on on the small houses in the courtyard of the building site, I got in one of them and saw some stuff on the floor so I picked up a bandage and then *pew* heard a shot and then the You`re Dead screen greeted me. I couldn`t feel anything else but upset, and now, I decided I should still make my first Let`s Play DayZ episode and tell everyone about what happened to me... Now, watch the video untill the end...Its pretty ironic and I am laughing at my pure luck. :lol: http://youtu.be/OzO30fH4nyk So please go ahead and subscribe on my channel if you liked it: http://www.youtube.c...r?feature=guide Also, I have a facebook page if you wanna hang out with me: https://www.facebook.com/gamerlaur
  18. UP Need some feedback on my videos. ;)
  19. alisuarnota

    This game is fucking garbage!!!!1

    Wow man, I kinda understand your frustration, but to a certain point. I too died for braking a leg while..walking? Yeah, I was walking aside while scouting ahead a village and I heard the cracking noise, shorly after I realised that I broke my leg and I humainly restarted. I know I would have also been pissed of if I had loads of loot, but that happened when I first started playing DayZ, which was a few days ago.
  20. Oh shi. That doesn`t sound good. I`m afraid to log in anymore, lol. Gonna check back when I come from the local team`s match.
  21. Hey everyone. I`m gamerlaur on YouTube too, check out my channel and subscribe if you like my work. I`ve finally made a small introduction video, or longer, to DayZ. I think its a good, informative video for those who are still undecided about buying DayZ(that is Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA);) and want to get more information and actually feel the game, well, somehow. http://youtu.be/Uxpa6-JCS2o So check it out and tell me what you think, the community is the best one who can give feedback on my video, but please bear in mind I`m kinda new, my english is weird because I`m from Romania and english is not a primary language here, and I`m doing my best to improve my work.
  22. alisuarnota

    DayZ preview by gamerlaur. Probably good for newbies.

    Ah yes, sorry. Got it right in the preview tho.
  23. alisuarnota

    DayZ preview by gamerlaur. Probably good for newbies.

    Up it goes. Need feedback if there is a need for any. ;)