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Everything posted by Nailcannon

  1. i dont mind crawling all the way through a town. it provides a sense of tension and immersion not seen in any other games.i love listening to the casual kidies whine and cry.
  2. Nailcannon

    Repairing and Fueling the bus

    the brown ones? i thought those didnt work. i use the white ones with a green strip running along the middle. http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/OA/Buildings/full/Land_Ind_TankSmall2_EP1.jpg
  3. Nailcannon

    Virginia 1 down?

    Title says it all. Havent been able to get in for a good hour but the other virginia servers seem to be up.