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About Steiyn

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Steiyn

    Server Owners Penalized.

    This is what I wanted to hear, I am talking about the other servers, the ones that do what they want.. ban players for killing them, etc.
  2. Steiyn

    Server Owners Penalized.

    Sarcasm isn't necessary. Im trying to approach this as a concerned player, but everyone so far thinks that its the server owners right to bend the rules.. This is why I am suggesting a crackdown on the rules so people know they aren't to be bent and there is punishment for their actions, OR an agreement met that servers aren't needing to be blacklisted and wasting the staff members time and resources with this garbage.
  3. Steiyn

    Server Owners Penalized.

    If you read the full post, you would know by the end I am trying to get the dayz team and the server owners to find a middle ground for rules and procedure so there aren't owners doing whatever they want.
  4. Steiyn

    Server Owners Penalized.

    I don't understand how asking them to listen to the rules is so controversial.. rules are everywhere in life. Its a suggestion, to find a middle ground for these server that they can both abide by and we can all play in peace, READ THE FULL POST.
  5. Steiyn

    Server Owners Penalized.

    Rules are rules:http://dayzmod.com/f...-hosting-rules/ Read it. What they are doing wrong is they are not reading the rules and abiding by them.
  6. Steiyn

    Server Owners Penalized.

    Its a suggestion thread, im suggesting that a middle ground is reached, and your last comment clearly shows you are another arrogant person that thinks it up to them to do what they like when they like, your another kid that hasn't experienced the real world yet.
  7. Steiyn

    Server Owners Penalized.

    Read the whole thing, I am saying that server owners are doing what they like, when they like and it needs to stop.
  8. Read the whole thing before you make dumbass comments like down below. I know this topic will flame like hell, but it needs to be said. Server owners are providing a service to the community, yes you buy the server but you do not own the server files. This has been irritating me for the past few days with server owners bending the rules that rocket has put in place to their own liking.. You do not own the server files, if you are unhappy with the rules of running a server then do not run one. Yes you host a server that runs dayz, but it is a privilege and that is not what people are seeing from it, they are seeing it as running an extremely popular mod to their own liking which is not the case and never was meant to be, so please stick to the rules that are put in place because when they are changed THAT is when you have problems. Tell me what you think, I know this is a very popular issue right now and I don't feel that the word is getting across well enough, and finally bringing me to my suggestion, if a server owner abuses the rules of hosting their server should either be removed from the list or blacklisted (pretty sure they are the same) because this needs to end or some middle ground reached. So please, dayz team sit down with server owners and discuss a guideline that will work for the both of you that they are happy to live by, or we will still see these server owners banning players to their liking which is worse then having a procedure to follow. Read this before saying they should be able to do what they want : http://dayzmod.com/f...-hosting-rules/
  9. Steiyn

    lookingg survivors

    So you are looking for an ally or squad?
  10. Steiyn

    Wild Bears to Forests?

    What would be awesome is like the above poster said, make some sort of bear den that is similar to a crashed heli.
  11. Steiyn

    Good vs Evil

    PVP is almost the core element of the game.. you cannot get attached to your gear within a few hours you will probably lose it.
  12. Steiyn

    lookingg survivors

    Its a very broad statement.. mind narrowing it down?
  13. Hate to be blunt, but rocket and the developers know this all too well, seriously search (Hacker) in the search bar at the top, we don't need yet another thread on this. Sure it sucks but its a mod and its beta, you need to live with it for now.
  14. Rocket is providing you with the files, if you don't listen to his rules then delete HIS files and then run your dayz server.. whats amatter, can't? Seriously server owners are a weird bunch, sure you are providing the servers but if you don't follow the rules rocket tells you then there are literally hundreds of servers that will.
  15. Steiyn

    Remove shock

    Then why did you feel the need to mention it again? Its clearly a bug: its beta so you need to deal with it.