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About SP45M

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    Australian Teamspeak server with a small AO 18+ squad.

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  1. SP45M

    DayZ is dead to me..

    Rocket needs to go and the sooner better, he is in fact THE fundamental flaw in DAYZ. I knew it the moment i saw Motorbike helmets. I mean wtf why be working on shit like that and not giving us the vehicles to use them with!!!!!! No lets make 500 different types of clothing instead and let the game quietly die. DAYZ ALPHA = Boring as batshit.
  2. SP45M

    Encountered the first hacker...

    Its is possible to glitch into the wall of that building, It has happened to me. I can't confirm if you can shoot out though.
  3. SP45M


    Lol I was only reading the other day about the "Epic of Gilgamesh" and how the christian bible plagiarized it. Having considered reading it I found a copy in dayz only a few minutes after posting in this thread. Now sitting in a bush flicking through it.
  4. If you got bored with the mod then the standalone at this point will bore you as well. It looks great as PhillyT said but a polished turd is still a turd. None the less i can see where its headed and as long as they invest the money they are raking in on some more dev team and stop climbing mountains I am sure it will turn out just fine.
  5. SP45M


    Smacks of "Fahrenheit 451" I like it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060390/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
  6. SP45M

    Night Time is Unplayable

    You should be able to see well enough now by the burn you just got. Also it helps if you wipe the tears out of your eyes.
  7. I is bothered by your questions.
  8. SP45M

    Friends in the apocalypse

    No spawn meeting in game..........just no. It is a lame idea to accommodate noobs and would be exploited.
  9. SP45M

    Can this PC run Dayz Max ?

    It should play it ok but I doubt it will play on max with a decent framerate. My guess is it will bottleneck at the processor.
  10. SP45M

    Help Seeing People in DayZ

    First of all if there is zombies more than 150m away from you there is likely somebody else close so do a quick scan of obvious sniper positions to reduce your chance of being picked of by a lame camper. If all the zombies suddenly disappear then somebody has logged in within 50m or so from you so be on guard, if your in a prime loot area eg barracks or hospital then its likely to be a server hopper so nail his arse to the wall. If loot suddenly appears in front of you then another player has come within 50m or so. It pays to run you game on lower settings and with post processing off, worth a google to get your setting right. At longer ranges that will help you see people hiding in grass and bushed etc. Look for movement rather than busting your eyes to see things at range. When your running about get used to holding down the alt button to scan behind you. Use a good headset and turn the background sound/music down so you can hear people coming the majority of time I will hear a player or player aggressed zombie before I see them. Play on a 32 inch monitor ;) If somebody runs up on you run about so your hard to hit dragging as many zeds onto them as you can and when they go to reload tazer them then hatchet them while they are down :)
  11. SP45M

    I am done [Bandit Suggestion]

    Uninstall and go have a cry.
  12. Its was indeed lag free all night although the ping is more around 220ms to me in Sydney and strangely enough the same to my m8 in Queensland. Fine with an empty server but when its full it may be a different story. Vehicles were not repairing 50% of the time, this may be a vanilla bug and not server related but its annoying as fuck. Now if I were admin I would have taken a chopper and gone around and looted every chopper wreck on the map just as you did but keep in mind that behaviour wont entice people to come back. Overall a pleasant if not a little too quiet experience so good luck with it.
  13. I've been playing a bit of Dayz again lately with a few other guys your welcome to drop in if you like. Our Teamspeak address is
  14. SP45M

    What happened to DayZ?

    The Aussie Herp derp public servers are still vanilla, I play on them regularly. Wipe the tears from your eyes and take another look at the server list.
  15. SP45M

    Unreal FPS Problems (Unplayable)

    Your video card is fine but no matter how good your card is Arma2 is very processor intensive and im afraid yours just isn't up to the task. Faster clock speed and more cores = better fps with Dayz/Arma2