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Everything posted by zombiejun

  1. "On track" to be standalone? A creator of this mid/game has said the game will be out before the end of 2012, so cirtainly is on track to be a game.
  2. zombiejun

    Reddit - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    awesome. However, tell me this rocket: Can there just PLEASE be servers not running with dogs? i cannot bear the sound of animals dogs getting hurt. i think you might think that this is stupid, but i am quite serious, i cannot take the sound of a dog in pain, it breaks my heart.
  3. It doesn't.. WarZ is a piece of lazy ass work, they won't be done by any time soon, besides, they aven't even released the alpha yet, so there will be even more bugs and things like this when it gets released so get used to it
  4. zombiejun

    We want to disarm unconscious players

    This is so much something that should be implemented! there's a lot of players i really didn't want to shoot, but i had to because they would kill the when they came back to normal condition again..
  5. zombiejun

    Bandit camo skin

    it shouldn't be an advantage to be a bandit..
  6. Okay so basically; we all find weapons very often in this game, but the ammonition lying next to it is always "new" - they haven't been used. i mean, it would be quite common to see some ammonition that had been sued, if someone had a rifle, i do not think they would just leave their life without a fight against the zeds :s so i think when finding ammo next to its weapon, atleast one of the mags should have been used atleast 1 - 3 shots.. i really did try n' look through the forums to see if anything similar had been discussed, but i didn't find anything :) so opinions? :-)
  7. zombiejun

    SVD no camo

    lol, there are other sniper rifles than that one? and nerf a sniper rifle's range to 600? why would you even bother getting a sniper rifle then?
  8. zombiejun

    Looking for fellow EU survivors

    I'd love to join you, have been soloing as well, i do not have very much good gear.. just died on my longest life so far so right now my best mate is my M16A2 ^^ if you want to play, then i guess we will be skyping or teamspeaking right? :)
  9. zombiejun

    Server hop = Spawn on coast HAS to go.

    i like this now! didn't know when it was server change only, i thought it was always! now i guess i just have to find a main server :)
  10. zombiejun

    Include radios

    there already is radios in the mod, soldier zeds sometimes drops em' :) they're just useless for now, will get a purpose soon i believe :)
  11. zombiejun

    raid blown up stuff

    Yea, if the car isn't too broken, i agree as long as it stays realistic.. a completely burnt out car shouldn't have anything left functioning.. but if the left or right side of the car is intact maybe 2 wheels should be available ^^
  12. zombiejun

    Trail of Cans.

    Yea, let's give bandits yet an advantage! this game needs more bandits for sure! .. really dude? really?
  13. also how many items are no longer lootable should be compared to how many times the player was shot.. was he shot 50 times with a makarov, chances are that not much loot are left.. was the player headshotted by a sniper in the woods, all items should be lootable except for items that was worn on the head while being shot :)
  14. Why are people like me, who doesn't know how to create stuff like this morons? i only see one ignorant moron here.
  15. zombiejun

    Hidden buildings

    nobody cares if they see the buildings on the ingame maps.. the online maps are way better and shows location of everything.. bad idea unless you mean like helicopters, hunter cabins spawning randomly..
  16. zombiejun

    Character Build

    gods sake......... i'm not even going to give an opinion on this except for NO!.. -_-
  17. NO. how can you even try to get some shitty fictional figure into a survival simulator? try in GTA or Killing floor or left 4 dead but NOT in DayZ man.. not cool..
  18. zombiejun

    Player Punishment Ratio Unacceptable

    It is still an alpha.. AN ALPHA! look it up, maybe it will open your mind mr. dipshit :-)
  19. zombiejun

    Make the snipers in barracks a bit more common?

    no. just no. you can go bandithunt some snipers, find out some well-used positions and hunt some sniping bandits down, they often have DMR, M107 or even the AS50 :) way higher successrate than going into the barracks.
  20. zombiejun

    Dead players turning to zombies

    there is no doubt that not all dead playerbodies should be.... if you get killed by a player, logic is that your corpse will remain human and dead. but is it zombies that kills you, then player corpses should rise and roam the land of charnarus untill slain :D - maybe player-corpse-zombies should wear some kind of melee weapon like a hatchet/axe ^^?
  21. zombiejun

    Chainsaw ??

    guess it would aggro everything when you turn it on....
  22. zombiejun

    release the hounds

    let's keep the game off the mainstream and try something new... like maybe infected bears in the wild? geez.. a giant furious beast charging at you.. i'd shit my pants XD
  23. zombiejun

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    i do not thin that is the new bandit skin, but let me tell you something, if it was cool, everyone would stribe to get it. killing would increase massively..
  24. zombiejun

    Removing "Bandit/Murder"

    i do think the bandit skin should come back. making friends in this game is impossible.. just look at the forum.. people is looking for people to play WITH in here, because it's impossible to find someone who won't just kill you while in-game...